
日期: 2024-05-28 18:11:42|浏览: 79|编号: 70093



表面处理行业生产废水处理技术培训教材 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材 表面处理行业生产废水处理技术 2012 年 7 月 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材 目录 1 总则………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 2 废水来源…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3 3 废水的分类……………………………………………………………………………………………… 4 4 废水处理的工艺方案……………………………………………………………………………… 5 5 构筑物、设备与材料………………………………………………………………………… 10 6 仪表与自控…………………………………………………………………………………… 12 7 污泥处理方法………​​………………………………………………………………………………… 14 8 综合设计………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16 2 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材 1 总则 本文介绍表面处理行业的生产流程,分析了该行业废水的来源、分类,阐述了废水处理的原理和流程。

本文所指的表面处理,是指五金加工中广泛使用的金属钢件、铝及其合金件的表面处理。在选择表面处理废水处理设计方案时,必须根据表面处理生产工艺、废水排放条件(水质、水量、排放方式及排放标准等)、所要达到的重复利用率、环保要求等具体情况,经过综合经济技术比较后确定。废水处理的构筑物和设备应根据接触介质的性质、浓度、环保要求等具体情况,采取可靠的防腐、防渗、防漏措施。因此本文还对废水处理工程涉及的构筑物、设备、材料等要求进行了分析。表面处理行业的废水处理工程充分考虑了循环经济、清洁生产、以废治废,因此本文还对污泥的处理方法进行了介绍,还对二次污染防治和风险防范措施进行了阐述。 2 废水来源2.1 表面处理是用物理、化学或其他方法在金属表面形成一层一定厚度的、区别于基体材料并具有一定强化、防护或特殊功能的膜层。2.2 表面处理工艺包括基体前处理、涂装制备、涂装后处理三个部分,常用的有脱脂、除锈、磷化、氧化、钝化、喷漆、电泳、染色、发黑等。2.3 废水主要来自各工序的冲洗水和浓缩废液。由于各工序药液池加入的化学药剂不同,污染物成分比较复杂,废水中有碱性或酸性物质、有机物、多种金属离子和非金属离子,部分污染物为I类污染物,必须处理后方可排放。

2.4金属钢铁表面处理的典型工艺流程为:工件?脱脂?除锈?表调?磷化?钝化?涂漆(喷粉)或电泳(1)脱脂:目前广泛采用碱性化学脱脂,脱脂剂主要成分是氢氧化钠、磷酸三钠、OP乳化剂及其它表面活性剂,废水中主要污染物有碱性物质、动植物油、悬浮物、COD和磷酸盐cr(2)除锈:目前广泛采用酸性化学除锈,除锈剂主要成分是无机酸(有时也加入氢氟酸),废水中主要污染物有酸、金属离子、氟化物、悬浮物等。(3)表面调理:为提高磷化膜的质量和性能,在磷化前一般要增加一道表面调理工序。 目前广泛使用的表面处理液含有碱金属、钛磷酸盐、草酸等,表面处理后一般不进行清洗,直接进入磷化槽,因此无废水产生。(4)磷化:磷化液一般含有硝酸、磷酸、金属盐(如锌盐、锰盐、钙盐、镍盐、铜盐等)、促进剂(无机氧化剂、有机硝基化合物、有机配合物、氟化物等)。常温锌系磷化是应用范围比较广的一种磷化方法,其主要成分是磷酸二氢锌、硝酸锌、氟化钠和氧化锌。 废水中主要污染物有酸、氟化物、悬浮物、锌、磷酸盐等。(5)钝化:为增加磷化膜的耐腐蚀性能,磷化后一般要进行钝化处理,通常采用重铬酸钾、铬酐等钝化剂。废水3北京中大华远认证中心内部培训资料中主要污染物有酸、六价铬、总铬等。

(6)涂装(喷粉):涂装废水来自漆雾湿法净化工序,废水中主要污染物为高浓度COD及悬浮物。CR喷粉不产生废水。 (7)电泳:电泳废水产生于电泳后清洗工序,电泳漆主要成分为水溶性树脂、颜料、酯类等,排放量较涂装废水大,废水中主要污染物为高浓度COD及悬浮物。CR (8)发黑(发蓝):一般用于机械零件加工、弹簧加工行业,发黑液主要成分为酸、铜盐、对苯二酚等,清洗废水中主要污染物为酸、铜、有机物等。 2.5铝及铝合金件表面处理的典型工艺流程为:工件?除油?表面调质?化学抛光?化学氧化或电氧化?钝化? 着色 (1)脱脂:目前普遍采用碱性化学脱脂,脱脂剂主要成分是碳酸钠、磷酸三钠、硅酸钠和表面活性剂等,废水中主要污染物是酸、碱、动植物油、悬浮物、COD和磷酸盐等。应避免使用酸性二合一脱脂剂,因为其中加入大量有机物,增加了废水处理的难度。 (2)表面调质:表面调质是先用氢氧化钠溶液除去铝件表面原有的氧化膜及有害微量成分,再浸入硝酸-氟化氢溶液中除去表面灰尘,再用清水冲洗干净。废水中主要污染物是酸、碱、氟化物等。 (3)化学抛光:铝及其合金多采用磷酸类溶液进行化学抛光,抛光液主要成分是:磷酸、硫酸、冰醋酸和硝酸。

废水中主要污染物有酸、碱、磷酸盐等。(4)化学氧化或电氧化:化学氧化一般以铬酸盐为主氧化,主要成分有磷酸、铬酐、氟化氢铵、磷酸氢二铵硼酸等,污染物有氟化物、六价铬、磷酸盐等。电化学氧化因为铬盐的污染比较严重,现在一般以硫酸为主要的阳极氧化,主要成分有硫酸、铝离子和镍盐等,污染物有酸、碱、悬浮物等。(5)钝化:为了增加氧化膜的耐蚀性,通常采用重铬酸钾、铬酐等钝化剂或热水封孔、金属盐封孔等。 废水中主要污染物有酸、六价铬、总铬等。 (6)着色:将阳极氧化件置于有机染料或无机染料的水溶液中进行染色或电解着色,主要污染物有色度、COD等。cr3 废水的分类 3.1 钢铁件表面处理废水一般按污染物性质分为以下几类: (1)酸洗、磷化废水:主要来自酸洗、磷化工序的清洗水,含金属离子及无机盐为低 COD 型;cr (2)含铬废水:主要来自钝化工序产生的含有重铬酸钾或铬酐的清洗废水,含重金属六价铬为低 CODcr 型,一般与一般清洗废水经还原预处理和物理化学处理后排放; (3)有机废水:主要来自于脱脂、喷漆、电泳、发黑等工序的清洗水,含有较高的油、苯等有机物质,主要是高COD废水,对于这类废水必须先采用化学氧化沉淀,再用生化的方法达到降低cr4北京中大华远认证中心内部培训资料溶液COD;cr的目的(4)浓缩废液:主要来自于各个生产工序中废弃和更换的槽液,废液中的主要污染物是高浓度的酸、碱、重金属或有机物,若排入废水处理系统,将造成处理设施不能正常运行。

需交由危险废物处理站外处理或回收利用。3.2金属铝及合金件表面处理废水按污染物性质、处理工艺及处理后用途可分为以下几类: (1)综合清洗废水:主要来自表面调整、阳极氧化工序的清洗水,含有金属离子、磷酸盐及无机盐为低CODcr类型; (2)含六价铬废水:主要来自化学氧化过程和铬盐钝化过程生成的含有重铬酸钾或铬酐的清洗废水,含有重金属六价铬为低COD类型,一般与一般清洗废水一起经过还原预处理和物理化学处理;cr (3)有机废水:主要来自除油、着色等色度和COD较高的废水,含有较高的油、染料等有机物质cr。 对于此类废水必须先采用化学氧化沉淀,再采用生化方法,达到降解色度、COD的目的,处理后方可循环生产或排放。(4)含磷废水:主要来自于化学抛光工序的清洗水,含有极高的磷酸盐,水量大时必须单独进行预处理后才能进入综合水处理,水量小时可进入综合废水进行处理。3.3浓缩废液:表面处理浓缩废液主要来自于各生产工序废弃、更换的槽液,废液中的主要污染物为高浓度的酸、碱、重金属或有机物,若排入废水处理系统将造成处理设施不能正常运行,需交由危废处理站外处理或回收利用。 4 废水处理的工艺设计4.1 处理原理与工艺选择3-4.1.1 混凝沉淀除磷是向含磷废水中投加混凝剂,使水中PO生成不溶性盐,并沉淀分离出水,达到除磷的目的。

2+-2-5Ca+4OH+3HPO?CaOH(PO)?+3HO .1.2石灰除氟的原理是将石灰乳或氯化钙回加到水中,使水中的氟化物生成不溶性的氟化钙,并沉淀出来与水分离,达到除氟的目的。2+-Ca+2F?CaF? 24.1.3六价铬的还原加入亚硫酸盐、硫酸亚铁等,在酸性条件下与六价铬反应,六价铬还原为三价铬,亚硫酸盐被氧化为硫酸盐,亚铁离子被氧化为三价铁。 亚硫酸盐包括亚硫酸氢钠、亚硫酸钠等。2HCrO++3HSO?2Cr(SO)+3NaSO+8HO +3NaSO+3HSO?Cr(SO)+3NaSO+4HO ++3+3+2-CrO+6Fe+14H?2Cr+6Fe+7HO 2725北京中大华远认证中心内部培训资料4.2工艺确定4.2.1一般清洁废水工艺确定一般清洁废水中含酸、碱、磷酸盐及重金属,采用最广泛应用的化学处理法去除。加入石灰乳作为絮凝剂,去除金属离子和悬浮物。虽然一般清洁废水处理比较简单,但要注意其中难以处理的两性物质锌和氟化物,所以在工艺确定时,要考虑采用二级混凝,并严格控制操作条件,达到排放标准。

4.2.2含铬废水的工艺测定含铬废水来自生产过程的钝化和化学氧化工序,由于废水中的铬以六价铬酸根离子的形式存在,因此必须先将铬酸根离子还原为三价铬离子,再在碱性条件下使三价铬离子生成不溶于水的沉淀物,最后将铬从废水中分离出来。亚硫酸盐还原法是深圳处理含六价铬废水常用的方法,其主要优点是处理后的水能达到排放标准,设备操作简单。4.2.3有机废水的工艺测定含油废水先经过隔油池去除浮油,可采用横流隔油池。然后与喷漆、电泳、着色等有机废水一起进入试剂氧化阶段,利用HO2+被Fe2+氧化分解,生成氧化能力极强的羟基自由基。 它与有机物发生反应,使有机物的CC键断裂分解,然后进入接触氧化生化系统进行生化处理,使有机物彻底降解。有机废水处理的基本任务就是去除其中的各种有机物,主要方法根据污染物浓度采用化学氧化、生物处理或二者结合。目前化学氧化法较多,应用较好的是次氯酸盐法和试剂氧化法。对于含量较高的有机物可以采用此法+生化处理,因为试剂在降解生化需氧量的同时,还能改变生化需氧量与化学需氧量的比值,为生化处理创造条件。另外,有些企业只有喷漆或电泳等废水,可以采用简单的混凝沉淀,使水质清澈后再回用于生产线,经过一定循环时间后,交由危废处理站统一处理。

此工艺只适用于对清洗水质要求不高、用水量较小的工业企业。 6 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训资料 4.2.4 金属表面处理废水处理工艺流程图 酸 还原剂 PH ORP 含铬废水?含铬废水调节池?PH调节池?还原反应池 石灰 PAM 酸 PAC PAM PH PH 综合废水?隔油池?调节池?PH调节池?反应池?沉淀池?回用池?反应池上清泥饼输送?箱式压滤机?污泥浓缩池回用或排放?排水堰?清水池?沉淀池 药剂 PAM PH PH 有机废水?隔油池?调节池?化学氧化池?反应池?沉淀池?兼氧池 干泥饼输送?污泥脱水系统?污泥池好氧池排放或回用?清水池?过滤池?气浮池? 反应池 PAC PAM 4.3 工艺控制条件 4.3.1 含铬废水设调节池,平衡水质与水量,停留时间不少于8小时;pH调节池设pH自动控制系统,自动控制加酸量,控制pH值在2-3;还原池设ORP自动控制系统,控制还原剂加入量,使ORP值在300-350mV;还原后的含铬废水排入综合清洗废水调节池进一步处理。 4.3.2 综合废水设调节池,平衡水质与水量;pH调节池设pH自动控制系统,控制石灰加入量,pH7. 混凝反应池可根据水量设置快速搅拌、慢速搅拌池,混凝剂、助凝剂通过计量泵定量投加;沉淀池水量不是特别大时,宜采用斜管沉淀池进行固液分离(长宽比不小于2:1,深度不小于3.5米,表面负荷不大于0.7m3/(m2h)),水量较大时可采用辅流沉淀池;pH调节池设有pH自动控制系统,控制pH在8左右;絮凝反应池通过计量泵定量投加絮凝剂聚合氯化铝、混凝剂聚丙烯酰胺; (设计时应综合考虑锌、铝等两性物质与磷、重金属离子沉淀条件的矛盾,碱性沉淀不完全,在调整时会再次沉淀;另外氟的去除,石灰处理理论上可降至10mg/l以下,但实际应用中,处理后为15-18mg/l,实践证明,石灰与铝盐组合可控制在3mg/l以下建议采用此工艺,其它工艺需试验成功后方可采用);二沉池利用沉淀池进行固液分离;可选用过滤器,滤除细小悬浮物,回用或排放。

4.3.3对于除油、喷漆、电泳、上色等高COD废水,必须设置隔油池,分离漂浮物及浮油;必须设置调节池,平衡水质与CR水量;化学氧化池通过计量泵加入硫酸亚铁、双氧水,投加量分别为进水量的0.2~0.6%、0.03~0.08%,通过pH计控制pH在3.0左右,池内氧化时间约30分钟;pH调节池通过pH计加碱控制pH值在8.2左右,投加聚丙烯酰胺增大矾花尺寸;采用沉淀池进行固液分离;兼氧建议采用水解酸化池,在兼氧菌作用下完成大分子有机物分解成小分子有机物的过程; 好氧建议采用接触氧化池,在好氧菌作用下达到降解有机物的目的(有条件的话可以投加少量生活污水,为微生物提供氮、磷等营养物质),气水比控制在12~15:1;絮凝反应池采用计量泵投加聚合氯化铝、聚丙烯酰胺,使水中悬浮物凝结成较大的矾花;通过气浮或斜管沉淀进行固液分离;可设置滤池,用于车间过滤回用。 4.4几种主要污染物处理方法介绍 4.4.1含油废水 废水中的油以浮游油、分散油、乳化油三种状态存在,一般处理方法为:含油废水?隔油?气浮?过滤?出水。 由于废水中所含油类的种类、浓度、特性及处理要求各有不同,处理方法和工艺也各有不同,因此应根据含油废水的性质、含量、处理要求、工艺条件等因素选择和组合上述工艺。

隔油池的处理类型为自由漂浮分离设备,一般用于处理浮油,水平流隔油池较多,一般停留时间为1.5-2.0小时,水平流速为2-5米;浮选用于分离粒径小于100um的分散性油或相对密度大于1的重油,一般采用加压溶气浮选或采用市面上比较先进的气液混合泵,气液混合泵不像传统的加压溶气应用设备那么多,一台泵就可以完成,运行稳定。 气浮池溶气水量为原水量的10-30%,溶气池压力为0.4Mpa,溶气时间为3-6分钟,气浮池水力停留时间为30-50分钟,水平流速为4-15mm/s,出水含油量一般小于10mg/l。为保证出水设计过滤,一般可采用市售或经过加工的活性炭过滤器。 4.4.2乳化液废水处理 轧钢及机械制造产生的乳化液废水一般具有以下特点: ?含油量高。含油量高达数万毫克/升,其中乳化油含量为2-5%; ?油颗粒细小。粒径大多在0.1-2um之间,且高度分散于水中; ?废水中含有大量的有机物。 由各种表面活性剂和有机防锈添加剂组成的乳化剂耗氧量较大,处理方法一般需两级处理,第一级破乳除油;第二级净化水质,使COD达到排放要求。Cr破乳,常用的是化学破乳法。常用的方法有盐析、混凝、搅拌、酸化等。

?盐析法是向废水中加入盐类电解质,破坏乳化油滴的水化膜及其双电层结构,使油滴聚集沉淀。如果加入的电解质是钙、镁、铝等二价或三价的盐,还能取代活性剂中的钠、铵等,使之成为钙、镁、铝的金属皂。这种取代反应,还起着破乳、油分离、分层的作用。盐析破乳后析出的油水质良好,但出水水质浑浊,需加混凝剂澄清。?混凝法所用的混凝剂有:明矾、聚合氯化铝、聚丙烯酰胺等。均有良好的效果,以聚合氯化铝与明矾复配最为显著。?混合法是盐析与混凝相结合的工艺。 该方法产油效果比盐析法好,用量比混凝法小。先用少量盐使乳化油滴初步失稳,再加入少量混凝剂,使之凝结分离。?酸化法是将废酸或新酸返回乳化废水中,使乳状液中的脂肪酸皂化成不溶于水的脂肪酸而分离出来。加酸量以pH值降至2以下为宜。油分离后用石灰乳中和,使废水pH值达到6~9。4.4.3含氟废水的处理含氟废水的处理方法一般分为混凝沉淀法和吸附法两大类,其中以混凝法最为常见。 根据所用药剂不同,又可分为灰分法、石灰-铝盐法、石灰-镁盐法、石灰-过磷酸钙法等。深度处理一般采用吸附法,含氟废水经混凝沉淀法处理后,当含氟量已降至5-20mg/l时,再用吸附法进一步处理。

2+-?石灰法:向废水中加入石灰乳,使钙离子与氟离子反应生成氟化钙沉淀,[Ca+2F?CaF]。在18℃时,2氟化钙在水中的溶解度为16mg/l,以氟计为7.7mg/l,因此石灰法除氟的理论极限为8mg/l左右。一般经验中处理水中氟含量为10~30mg/l。石灰法除氟应用较广,具有操作管理简单等优点。但污泥沉降较慢,脱水困难。为提高除氟效果,在石灰处理的同时加入氯化钙,在pH>8时可取得较好的效果。?石灰-铝盐法:向废水中加入石灰乳,调节pH为6~7.5。 然后投加硫酸铝或聚合氯化铝,生成氢氧化铝絮凝体,与附着水中的氟化钙晶体及氟离子,经沉淀后除去。其除氟效果与投加的铝盐量成正比。若废水中尚有其他污染物,如重金属或磷酸盐等,需要调节pH值较高时,为达到除氟效果,必须采用二次絮凝沉淀或气浮。 4.4.4含磷废水处理 目前,除磷技术主要有生物法和化学法两大类。生物法适用于处理低浓度、有机含磷废水;化学法主要采用混凝沉淀法,应用广泛,主要适用于处理无机含磷废水。其中混凝沉淀结晶综合处理技术是处理高浓度含磷废水的可靠方法。 混凝沉淀除磷是向含磷废水中加入混凝剂,使水中的磷酸盐生成不溶性盐类,并沉淀出来与水分离,然后利用沉淀、气浮或过滤的方法,将废水中的磷除去,达到除磷的目的。

它的主要优势是通过这种方法去除磷的高磷效率和可靠的治疗效果。然后,多余的钙离子可以与磷酸盐反应,形成羟基磷灰石的降水,主要取决于要处理的废水的碱度,而不是磷酸盐含量。 铝盐磷去除:去除铝盐磷的常用剂是硫酸铝和铝酸钠,并且其磷的去除反应公式如下:-2 -al(SO)?14HO+2hpo+2hpo+2hpo+4hco?2alpo?从硫酸铝的添加将减少废水的pH值,而铝的pH值将增加废水的pH值。氯化物,硫酸亚铁,硫酸铁等都可以用于去除磷,并且通常使用氯化铁。 氯化铁和磷酸铁的反应是:--- O+HPO+4HCO?FEPO?+2CO+2CO+3Cl+8ho Fecl?在实际应用中,磷化物沉淀的最佳pH范围为4.5-5.0,pH值左右左右。

另外,当固定液体分离不好时,去除化学磷的最大问题是,去除盐的最大问题是,污水处理厂的污泥量会大大增加污泥的量。仿真的氧气需求或化学氧需求是有机废水处理的主要指标。除传统的普通厌氧消化酯外,在深圳被广泛使用并成熟的方法还具有更好的应用,例如水解酸化和UASB(生物流化的床)。 对于中等和低浓度的有机废水(CODCR少于400 mg/L),有氧生物处理能力通常直接用于高浓度有机废水;更频繁地使用,效果很好),可以根据情况进行厌氧生化中间处理,或者可以直接使用有氧生化的进一步处理。 S,过滤罐和污泥增厚罐。

一般表面处理局的处理设施采用了钢筋混凝土结构,环氧树脂用于抗腐蚀,内部抗ePage处理,并且陶瓷瓷砖用于外部装饰,耐用的是耐用的材料。通常,使用润滑脂陷阱的普通水平油脂陷阱。并存储废水量。 穿孔的管道通常在调节罐的底部进行混合和搅拌。反应罐是pH调节罐,凝结反应罐,氧化反应罐,pH调节罐和凝结反应罐通常具有15-30分钟的速度。慢速混合使用20-40R/min。 对池中的剂量点的控制应在每个反应罐的水入口处;

5.1.4沉积罐表面处理废水沉积罐通常采用倾斜的管(板)沉积罐,设计参数如下:32液压表面载荷:0.5-1.0m/mh沉积时间水槽,出口堰载荷:2-5m/mh 11北京的认证中心内部训练材料在沉积罐的底部设置了污泥,可以通过重力和机械吸力来放电。石英砂双层过滤器材料。 设计参数如下:过滤率:4-5m/h的水头:1.2-1.5m的滤清器高度:700-32冲洗强度:4.5-5.0m/mh冲洗时间:15分钟的冲洗可以用自来水和清洁水箱的滤清器量的滤水器量换成滤水器,从而使用自来水。达到10-15 m/h,纤维球过滤器的过滤速度可以达到25 m/h。

污泥的储罐采用间歇性的重力方法,将上清液放回调节罐中以重新加工,而底部的集中污泥是脱水的。确定一个阶段或两个阶段,根据矩形,有效的水深度为4-5m。 使用的曝气设备包括微孔气管,曝气软管和弥漫性曝气器等,其气体比为10:1-20:1。储罐底部的污泥和自动控制的底部。6.1与生产的开发和科学和技术的进步,电镀废水处理站的自动化程度越来越高,并且需要更高的监控仪器,并且需要更高的监视,这是越来越高的仪器。压力,液位水平,流量和成分,例如pH值,溶解氧和电导率。 这些测量仪器在废水处理站的自动控制系统中占据了重要位置。

它们大致由三个部分组成:测量元素,中间传输部分和显示部分。涡流计量表的温度测量值6.1.2,温度仪器的温度和温度仪器包括pt100的温度量测量仪器包括五种类型:玻璃水平测量值,浮点水平仪表,差压力水平仪表,淹没水平计和超声波级仪表。 6.1.4溶解的氧气分析仪(DO仪)是对控制和监测废水处理厂的有氧生物处理单元的最重要的仪器。在废水处理过程中,pH值和反应罐中的反应是在废水处理站中常用的在线监测仪器。

压力表通常使用弹簧式压力量表和压力变送器。6.2废水处理厂6.2.1设计范围设计范围包括:电源系统,照明系统和接地系统,电源系统采用TN-CS电源从中央控制室的电柜引导的所有电缆沿着桥梁铺设,每个电气设备的线路是vv-1kv电缆,它们是公开铺设的,或者沿着墙壁(地面)或泳池墙通过PVC管道隐藏,并且必须固定在二线盒中,并且必须固定式尺寸。沿着人行道板隐藏。 电源和信号电缆应分开铺设,以防止北京的训练材料所有通常的非动力设备,电柜等都是可靠的接地,并且在接地电缆上进行的底线不超过4欧姆。应该选择。



重力浓度池分为两种类型:连续和间歇性,应根据废水处理后产生的污泥量来确定重力污泥浓度池的设计。 污泥水的设施; (4)可以采用大型电镀废水处理站并连续污泥浓度池。 集中池可以采用垂直或辐条结构。 高工作效率和小面积很小,但是运营成本和机械维护成本很高,主要用于处理困难的轻质污泥。 7.3机械7.3.1污泥污泥设计设计,(1)污泥污泥脱水机的(2)98%; 98%; (3)机械机械的应考虑设施; (4)污泥污泥应通风设施-80%之间之间

7.3.3频带的特征可以连续产生,并且设备相对简单,并且不需要设置高压污泥泵。 A及其流量可以在5.5-11m3/m的带宽下进行计算。进入泵中,可以使用进口的气动隔膜泵或螺丝泵。 平面布局废水处理站的平面布局是废水处理台及其辅助建筑物和设施的相对位置的生产结构的平面布局。

在平面布局之前,应确定废水的处理过程,然后计算每个结构的大小,并以一定比例的价格绘制平面布局图。 S,粉丝室,实验室,机器维修,仓库等。8.1.6在高层和平面的两个方面,应考虑管道的布局。

8.2高末端布局高主要布局是确定每个结构的高度,管道的大小和高程,确定是否需要改进,并绘制垂直表面图的一般原则:8.2.1。水量使用地形和实际流程的高度差异。治疗站通常应采用钢混凝土结构。 当容量较小并且安全水平低于第二级时,可以使用砌体结构。

在六度的情况下,将废水处理台的基本强度基于载荷规格,并且根据实际情况选择了设备的运行平台。或半池ATING是增加池中的重量。 该废水站可以使用轮回水提供药物,废水处理站将使水系统进入水管网络。

8.4.3战斗(1)火灾水平:根据“建筑的火灾规格”,根据“建筑物的火灾规范”设计。 8.5.2在架子上进行架构的内部支架。

因此,在废水处理过程中,安全生产管理非常重要。需要安装和检查废水处理站的ICAL设备,以防止泄漏。 同时,操作员(3应遵守安全的电力运营法规。(4)反和高空下降:有许多电镀水的废水处理站。一系列的行业法规。目的:首先,要遵守水的情况,要遵守了均一次的行动,该过程是否遇到了四分之一的行动ARED 方法4化学氧的催化催化溶液(光方法)5总铬超氧化氧化 - 氧化 - 碳酸盐光光方法6 碳酸盐照明方法废水处理站主要是对废水进行每日检测和分析。 检测项目必须根据废水的污染物类型来确定。

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This and a is that the has ben of a crime, the is quite, and the for the not crime, only the of the code of p, but the p LOT is a Crime to. <> The 29, Party in the Found that party and other, the party's image, the to the party, the state and the 's,, the' s,, the 's,, the' s,, the 's,, the' s, the 's, We on the given. The loss of party, the party's image of, be given from the party. At this is party is in of the law the other acts, the such as the law, last. E is <cases> 32, Minor Party and the Crime, the 's Shall Make a Not to a, or The' s Court Shall Make A 33 is from his post, or from the party. Party and crime, we find in with for acts; the the of the. In order to ji. y due to an crime is to law () or of; Due to crime and was to the three years or more (Three Years) a, Shall Give. Be to, shall in be from the party. For the May not be from the party, this is and the> <the of party run and to a Level party. For is "party with act, and by the, be from the party". The Fifth of Party of the and after of the and and, the part the party and after, force , Wages and Other For 34 The Time. 2, Sub Sub will the 10 of 10 of Acts of Into 6, in of the for , Of work, "in of of," 6.3, annex "" class of organ, as well as time and etc .. 11 (3)> <needs to grasp key the first - About the of> <new 6 The for the size , that is the main to party and the of the basic, basic line, basic and base, basic of made of the, the since the cpc put the yan of and rules and for, the false, thH, thy e, make no of the terms. These are the party's year in 35 The of with the of rich. (1) False the and the party of and the is made in with the part. of this is not only the party the basic and is all line in party life, it that we must fall inner-page, for the party, the party, give full play to the aN D of the party at all and party, at the say time, Also Must the right, the party's <the chaos in unity and to that party's to get and. , And Ways, Fully to the Party and Party of the and, but 12 is some face to face not to say back "" Will not say, after the said, "" does not say, " ONLY the, some, the to the party of the and, the, but all a of the of the Far . TheRe is no doubt that shall, in with the> 4 in 6 to give the. For did not cause, to give and or the. (2) About the party's unity <new> the Forty to Fifty, to party is unity and of, 52 of the. New "in the party get round group, gangs seek gain, or the of, for their own to and other to gain, given a or from their party posts; if they are, or from the party. (3) On the of the of the, the party is party must be the. OT take the to the, but to in and, the money is, is a of the of the> <, the 37 The 37 Yuan of the, group the can be or 13, but did not put this. d of alone as a for of.> <nEW The 57, "Anti, One of the Acts, Given A or; if the area, from or on the party; Se, to hide the face; (5) The him the acts of the. Der "of 164 The, but to the <Rule> Only in, work, live order the case to be, in the Other Words, Alone Makes, or in the of of, the DOES Not a. Ty's Party.> <NEW 38 in this, on the, the 58, is the of party, in in in of the list of, which and party to the, and is. 14 the about and and and and and and of is our the party's. <new> 7 "in of the of" for of "for the" Four OBEY The for Rules. Of the of the, will in the of the old xiang, in arms; to or, for such as terms. >, Is Clear About the, Level and Above in my and, moved to the (),,, real, and other, for, do not, to the case, and to make aa time, Shall be to make a check, the, or jobs, free post, in with the shall be given a. But since the <> and there no terms, the of the, do not, as a false about, the press is no terms, in it is to. In this, in order to solve is not, as a false about 15 asked, the new <> add the 67 of of to to, the clear basis, this kind of is no free for on, (a. (2) of Out the, to,,, of the war will <in 68 of>, of the party in of of the 40 Yuan , Will in the, in Arms to give the to the case. Three: this for only the ", the high of; in 2002, the for, the and the the the the the <quf in not to in the set up" the be "" "" "" "" "" of, in Arms Will The of IS A of the of This. Are Not to in the of, Would like the and shall not being the human and the shall not to in the; shall not ouven "and in kiss, rand And Round The Gangs, but not "align" "" jieyi Gold ". The third is to here that shall be to in the set up the, in arms. The so-16 WAS Means., Party 41 in the range of, in the party is not a of the rules of party. The three about lian jie has years and the anti the focus of the work of. His, the new, most of which by the <ka Clean and> 8 ban and 52 are not into the basic this part. Of the Eight and Pay Close to the Node and, on Funds, BUS, Funds, Gifts of Funds, The Big and and, and, of Such as the the the. drink, Super and No Clear and, New <Rule> Will Eight of the TO TO "Clean Cheap Self Self-" , clear to the , the scope of the or and etc. some in of the of the of the eight for , once the will be 42 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材to the < rule > , , . One is to add 87, about to , hold, and the use of the card, golf ball cards and other card. to clubs made the . The is the 97, has made of the of self pay or 17 , and . The third is added to the 99, on of super , the scope of the or eat and drink to make the of . The is to the 101, on the of in of the made . The fifth is the 102, for of space made the . Six is to split the < rule > 78, 98, 100 of of , the on the of the use of of the bus the list of made a more , apply more . Seven is the 96, in of the of the, to in funds to pay for , high of , and funds to buy gift, send gifts to make the of the . On the of the of the of the eight, in to > < new into " of and self-" , is with the < 43 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材>, < rule > not only to of the , but also of Guide . (2) , use of or as and close to of the terms of the < New > < clean > the , the " list, , the and or of as and staff . 81" use of or ring for each other and their , and their and other , 18 and other the to seek in , given a or ; if the are , from or on the party post; if the are , shall be from the party. 82 ", to the , and etc. and staff the of Party and or for gain, if the are minor, given a or a ; if the are , from or on the party post; if the are , the given from the party. Party and of the , and their does the work and get or 44 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材the work but to the same rank , Party and fails to , in with the of the . "(3) about the gifts, gifts from in years, in gifts, gifts more . This has the image of Party and , the the party and the , and is a of , is for this kind of to be . < rule > no on gifts, gifts, Card to in "one size fits all", but the the . One is in with the of 83, may the of the gifts, gifts, cards to on the of the case shall be given . That is to say, for may the fair of gifts, gifts, cards are not to . 19 is in with the of 83, was than is still of gifts, gifts, card to . This is new that daily life is , the same thing, boys , gifts, gifts, cards, and fair of has to do, also want to as the case shall be dealt with, the is ". The so-" ", one is 45 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材the in . In other words is you to me how, I to you how, not only does not go. The is to the local level, and , of gifts, gift value. to to the of a of to , as . The third is the root to the of 84," to in and their and , 's and other and other Ming of gifts, gifts, card, if the are , given a until . "In with the above , gift the , giver the . (4) on of or of other of < > 88 is in of camp and in of the on. Among them, 3 will" and or in other " as one of cases Out. First need to be clear, > < did not the of the . The of the of the of 77 "who, in of the of the sale of " is one of the , and at the of the first of this " of 20 the of the" of the . In, just from the 46 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材the "" in of the , and not to the . Need to clear is, "buy or sell a stock or of other " to of the to in April 2001, the Party , the State the On the work of the party and staff's in if dry >. to the of 3, use of work time, , the sale of and fund to . The , about the of the of the < new > would of a set of a class of "three rules of and eight note" in the of the of . < New > 9 "to the of ", the of the party's close ties with the of made on ; and the super , the scope of Xiang Qun < All to raise fund and labor, in for the , , in , , funds and and other any kind and , acts the of the of the terms; the terms not in with the of the party , , and () etc. 47 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材of the 's right to know the of the . The fifth issue, on the of work of work added " list, Party carry out Main for poor terms. (1) the new party the main of the party does not the 21 or poor terms < New > has a lead to pay to the new terms, that is, in ten "on the of work " in the one and "party fail to the main of the party or to the main for the , in or , to the and the of and give a or . The is , from their party posts or on . "Here the . For the first time, the main write < rule >. (2) new shall does not or false shall the 117 bar" in the level units to check to the work or to the unit, work of shall the do not or do not , cause or of, to the and the of , to give or a ; if the are , 48 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材from their party posts or on . "For , the tour to the , the unit the to the teams to the true , to not or to the teams to false , or of, the and the of be in with the of < rule > 117 to give the . (3) the new not in with the of , not to the of the of 22 of the of 115 "Party have one of the , the . : were , in with the give or in of state law Rules of be given and of; by or the made, not in with the of the on of the party, , rank, and the of the ; Party to , not in with the cadre and of by of Party to carry out and of daily . "What needs to be out is," cliff " with cars, , , 49 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材is not a and party posts and ranks by the is for the , with cars, by the is for the of, Ji . The six , about the acts the of life "in of of life ", to "four winds" and a of , acts of made on , an of life, to the order and good terms. Worth is, > < in 150 about "" " () in the new < rule > is , to the scope of 127 " and hair , let face Wider more . Four, and do a good job in the < code > and < rule > of life lies in . < code > and < > is 23 Party at all of a and all Party . and the < code > and < rule > is party (party), for , group), the of Party and of the , must party , the party one . () Party (party) and play and the main , pays to the two party 50 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材cross . One is to to the party is to , and the of the Party . The is to to the , to and rule in the first place. The third is to to the and rules quite in front must not allow the line to break the . The is to the study of and , in the city party to a , about the rules of the . (II) for at all ( Group) to an basis for the two party as, to blame, and And early in Ji, . One is to two the party basis, to the party , with to the . The is to to high and keep the line, to Ji Yan in law and , the and rules quite in front, small, blame, use of and of "four kinds of form" in the the and care for the , up, Yan. to in with to carry out . the , clues can an on the trial of cases to the on the 51 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材of the of and . To focus on non , don't hand at the same time, pay more to the of 24 , and the . Four is to two party , with the local of the of party to laws and clean, to , , waste , avoid , and the of cage, and not rot, not rot, not want to rot and . (3) the of the party and play an role. The rate of of the front of the to lead self- norms, to of and . One is the above rate, and , take the lead in and the < code > and < > the and , do the deep , to use. The is to play an role in by rate, take the lead in self- norms, the are equal, the has no , is no , and do , more more . Third is to , in the life and , such as Real to the 52 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材party to , and to the of the work and life of the , under the of the of power, to carry out the work. The is to set an for the of . take the lead in the of of and , to dare to , dare to , dare to , for not faire, but do not , not to the party of party party put in place. (4) the of Party and to set high and hold the line, abide by the < code > and < rule >. One is to the < > and < 25 cases >, tight Close with their own , work and life, to solve the , to the study and of the and . The is to a high and hold the line, in the self- of high , in the party away from the red line , , about the rules and know fear, , the of the honor , with the , of good . and of < < New of the Party of China clean self- > and < Party > is the Party 53 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材in the new to the root of the lift, the of the party of pace with the times. We study and the > and < > as the task, to the party , to the of, Ji Yan in law, the full of and for and "four " in XX vivid to a . - Si Jian Wu, and the of the of the < code > < > The of Xi out that the party is in of the party, to the party; , it can cure good party. > and < rule > keep pace with the times is our party to form a new rules, to of the law, is a , and the the party . > to the theme of self-, self- -, on , for the of Party and set to see, feel the high , show the noble moral ; < < rule > the of into a , and , and , of the , work , , , on rules, to draw the party 54 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材and Party do not touch the line. Party (party) to the study and the of the < code > and < rule > the and of > and < > a full range, multi angle, deep , the of study and and the boom, in order to the of good to a and . The of Party and to , the < rule > and < cases > as a guide to and , to the moral and of the line, to the of and awe, , , and party and rules of the model. The and and to the < code > and < > as the of the "three", and and of is to grasp the use of and of "four types", the in new roots. , to the and rules quite in front of the in the of to to . The and to the < code > and < to cases > as an , to the party the party , of their to two . . From the 55 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材" of " to a "stare at "; from the case to the big cases and solve the signs of tilt to. From the to the ; from the tube "" to the "most". Guide Party and to the < code > and < rule >, abide by the , , , work, life six . Urge the sent to play an role, take the lead in . and rest wind is Su Ji, to the "four winds" prone to , the the nodes and, glued to the four winds "new form, new , and deal with of the eight of the , to the , the of " four winds ", to and must be . At the same time, , the of the rural and party , in a , in side of and , and the of the and . The and . Grasp and make good use of the and of" four types ", to the clues to lots of and the law of the tube, . Not only to the "less" and "very few" , but also the "most" 56 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材to zero trend of , let the about the rules for each party and . At , it is to the "list" , the clues to the of five , make the of , . Zadok Party at all to the main , use of and and other means to curb the , used to see do not blame the "small ", not of "" and "". , the of of and rules into the focus of and and . At the same time, case check the , the of or "four winds" ban but not , not only to be held , but also held ; not only to the main of the Party , and to for and and to the new norm. The of . < code > and < rule > the and of the and rules and truly the party's ruler. as the party the , we must the to act, to the , will be 57 北京中大华远认证中心内部培训教材, must be , and the acts in of rules and . 58
