湖南省2021年6月份铁路护路联防 “一事一奖”情况

日期: 2024-06-17 18:13:15|浏览: 46|编号: 74522


湖南省2021年6月份铁路护路联防 “一事一奖”情况






































36、2021年5月5日,北山镇高铁护卫队队长陈培军和队员胡锦文、周立强、卢德胜在京广高铁K1544+400下行线巡线时,发现石场村清水塘组一位老人去世。送葬队伍沿王公桥公铁桥东侧围墙下行路段经过。几名队员立即到业主家中进行沟通宣传,要求在高铁线路附近、公铁桥上严禁燃放烟花爆竹。同时向在场村民宣传高铁安全知识。业主很配合,表示离开线路时会改变路线,不会在高铁线路周围燃放烟花爆竹。 我们感谢他们给予的支持与合作,共同维护高铁安全运行。
























18.大约在2021年5月17日的9:00,Bao deyi(男性,47岁,是-- 的志愿者)导致排水量不佳,并在发现后造成了安全危害,Bao Deyi立即清除了死亡的树枝,并挖出了排水沟以消除安全危险。

19.大约在2021年5月21日的10:00,Peng Yan(女性,38岁,--的志愿者),亨安市Hunan City the 的 10, 的 10号彭·扬(Peng Yan)立即发现电线可以关闭并修理保护围栏以消除安全危险。

20.大约在2021年5月25日的8:00,Xie (男性,56岁,长沙 - -的志愿者),古达克社区的居民,朗奎街,卢斯蒙街,卢斯蒙街,卢祖地区,霍南市,纽约州的纽约在检查该线路时,eping村和古迪克社区立即报告了这一事件,并要求相关单位在现场处理以确保安全。

21.在2021年5月29日左右,若uwu(男性,55岁,是长沙 - -的成员在发现这一点后导致排水量不佳,郭u立即清理了枯枝和离开,挖出了排水沟,并消除了安全危险。

22. At 14:40 on May 15, 2021, due to winds, two bags were blown from Hetai on the east side of the into the group of South (- Line k1619+300m). They were and in time by Zuo (male, 39 years old, New , City), Luo Gang (male, 39 years old, , ), and Liu Hui (male, 50 years old, , ), of the who were on the line, thus a major by the off-road .

23.在2021年4月26日,长沙工程部的李林( Line)讲习班的李·康(Li Cong)得知在其责任领域内有闲置的铁路上行走,他坚持要工作,并参加了行动,以清理,尽管在伊德()上驾驶着 and and in and shiry and in drail and in in in drail and shir and in shir and ins shir and ins shim and in the+shim and ins ins ins ins ins ins ins ins in yrair。调查中的公共安全器官并消除了安全危害。

24.在4月27日上午,朱纽市卢桑区的朗夸村村庄的志愿公路卫队发现,在k1099+950的下行链路上的维护工作范围内,上海k1099+950在上海-的安全范围内,允许他们享受一条安全的范围。 ard。

25.在2021年4月8日上午7:09,陈立格林(Chen )是莱林城( City)的司机的志愿公路卫队,在卢林市( City)的Guoci分区办公室,在k1064+620m的上升围栏上发现了一个开口,同时巡逻路线,可以轻松地允许您进入安全的危险。

26.在2021年4月27日,伍杜阿(Wu )是弗林城(Sifen)小镇的志愿铁路保护团队的成员,发现了一个无家可归的人,在li-cha+800的高速立柱下,在li-cha+800的高速立场下徘徊当地的公共安全器官到达现场,将无家可归的人清除了铁路,及时消除了安全危害并确保安全。

27.在2021年4月27日的16:43,市街的安全联系人Yi 发现,在铁路涵盖了 Road到 Road(位于- the the the off and and Shue and shue and Shue and shue and shue and shue and shue and shue and and and and and shue and shue and shue and shue,在17:00左右清除污垢,清除了淤泥,并消除了水积聚的隐藏危险。

28.在2021年5月7日上午,在朱祖城卢森街的朱蒂安普村的志愿道路卫队尤恩·尤赫伊(Yuan )发现了大量的叶子,分支机构,在K1098+200+200+200号铁路行人的界限上,在--kning to in of -kning to ins of -kun上,发现了大量的落叶,分支机构和其他碎片。 S 从吹入铁路线并影响交通,自发清理了碎屑并消除了安全危害。

29.在2021年5月7日上午,Chen 是荷兰省 CITY的Dong'an 的志愿者道路保护团队的成员,发现K1061+570m的-Kun-Kun-Kun-Kun-Kuns范围的围栏在那儿,并不是一个狭窄的范围ARD很容易进入。

30. 2021年5月9日上午,Chen 是Dong'an 的一名志愿公路卫队,子区办公室,Hunan ,Light City,在K1061+500m的二级平台上发现了一些闲置的人,并在上面巡游了警方,并在上面巡逻了警察。进入网络以浇蔬菜并进行安全法律宣传的当地村民。

31. On the of May 12, 2021, Chen , a road guard from Dong'an , Sub- , City, Hunan , that from were on the of the of the at K1061+350m of the - , a that could fall into the line and die or get . Team Chen and them to leave and the in the road group. The the of , Yi Dawei, and the and , Yuan , of the and asked them to urge to .

32.在2021年5月12日,刘米林(Liu )是村的一名志愿路线,村,在ling林市发现了一条大型樟脑树,在k1078+100m的侧面倒塌了,在上海的线路上,有电动线上的电动线,这可能是一定的。 OP和 POWER工作区用于处置。

33.在2021年5月14日,周普温(Zhou ),朱佐市卢森街()街()街的志愿道路,发现在- Line的K1095+450中,在河水中,在河水中,他在河水中陷入困境。 ,车站的站长立即安排人员清理并及时消除了安全危害。

34. 2021年5月17日,王旺港(Wang ),朱祖城卢桑()街()街()村庄的志愿路,发现在上海 - 坎宁格(-)的铁路上,在k1093+750的铁路涵盖了遍布船只上的狂热者在报告的情况下,林格桥和隧道工作区的领班中北,立即安排人员清理和消除安全危害。

35. On the of May 21, 2021, Wang Fujin, a road guard from , , , City, that the fence on one side of the K1100+000 down line of the - Line was open, a that could allow to enter. Wang Fujin the fence with wire to a .

36.在2021年5月22日上午, City 街的安全联系人Yi 发现,在上海 - 肯尼(-)线上的K1101+200的涵洞中的照明使人遭受了临时的镜头,使人陷入了困境。危险。

37. 2021年5月23日,张王,朱祖城卢森镇的村的志愿公路卫队,K1083+100铁路在上海 - Line上发现了与Z je gie的通行证,该伴随着Z的阵阵,这是众所周知的。 , 的安全联系人,清理涵洞排水沟中的淤泥并在涵洞中挖掘水。

38.在2021年5月10日上午11:30左右,李林市库恩旺镇的志愿者居民委员会的志愿铁路卫队发现,一些居民在铁路路堤上建造了一座桥梁,并用木板木板在li-cha line的K27+100中构成了ZAN TORCE the 。他们离开,及时消除安全危害并确保线路的安全性。

39. At 11:00 on May 6, 2021, Sun Dehui, a of the team of the group in , Town, City, that from the Power were on the rails to rest at K7+800 of the Li-Cha Line. Sun Dehui them to leave, the in time, and the of the line.

40.在2021年5月2日14:00,塞芬镇的农场居民委员会的志愿者卫队发现,村民们在K12+100 li-cha线路的铁路上堆积了大量的垃圾工程部立即消除了安全危害,并确保了线路的安全性。

41.在2021年5月3日17:00左右,伍杜阿(Wu )是一名志愿者的志愿者,来自李林城( City)的苏芬(Sifen)镇的弗里安()村庄,发现有些人坐在铁路上,在li-cha线的K23+800中行走,在发现这条li-cha线路后,伍氏(Wu )的安全性却迅速降临。

42.在2021年5月4日左右,吴是城的苏芬镇志愿道路保护团队的成员,在li-cha Line的K23+300的守卫中,当地的村民在当地的村民Xie 逐次逐步探索了一条范围,该村庄的范围是杂乱的。 警察局立即前往Xie 的家进行安全,法律宣传和教育,及时消除了安全危害,并确保了线路的安全性。

43.在2021年5月19日的10:00左右,来自Ligh City的Sifen Town 的一名志愿公路后卫发现,Li-Cha线上的K23+00的沟渠被封锁了,在发现它后立即清洁了沟渠,并确保了安全的安全。

44. At 11:30 on May 24, 2021, Zhang Sihua, a guard from Lixin , , City, that the door at K1057+800 of the - Line was not . After it, Zhang Sihua the door and sent to the group in time, the in time and the of the line.

45.在2021年5月23日,Ye ,来自荷兰省扬山村的村民发现,在K1058+700的低壁上,上海线的下线是警察的情况,该警察陷入了困境。工程部门并将其发布在扬山办公室小组中,消除了及时的安全危害并确保线路的安全性。

46.在2021年5月10日,王齐里(Wang Zili)是一名志愿者的公路守卫,来自卢林城的吉西宫区分区办公室,在他的检查中发现,在上海 - 肯尼 - 肯尼 - 肯尼 - 肯尼 - 肯尼(- Line)的K1070线路上的一名铁路工人并没有通过lie fime fime for - Line,但在灯笼上均未驶过渡过的行动。 ,迅速向 Line研讨会的Pi Tao局长报告了这种情况,要求加强安全教育和对工人的监督。

47.在2021年5月24日,警察局在11:05上收到了一份警察报告:两个闲置的人在K1064+700上山的围栏上爬上上海昆明的围栏,警察立即通知了团队成员Chen ,以巡回巡逻。在警察到达现场后,他们在村庄进行了安全和法律宣传,并要求他们穿防护服,并在警察的指导下进入界限。

48. At 16:40 on May 24, 2021, the of the that there was an idle on the at K1069+700m on the - . While to the scene, the Wang Zili, a road guard , by phone and asked him to in the in . After the and Wang Zili met, they the to both ends of the line with K1069+700m as the , and no were found. Wang Zili, a road guard, the in the and the of the .

49. At 18:30 on May 19, 2021, Liu , a from , Town, City, that the water level in the ditch at K31+320m of the Li-Cha Line had risen due to heavy rain, a . After it, Liu her own tools to clean the ditch to water from into the line, the of the line.

50.在2021年5月25日,1921年,赖林( City)的Sifen村的自愿铁路保护团队Lai 发现,许多当地人正在沿着K13+320m铁路上的河流行走,并在li-cha线上宣布了这一行动,并在li-cha的情况下延伸了li-Qing the the 。铁路交通事故的发生并确保了线路的安全性。

51. 2021年5月25日上午,王·旺港(Wang )是一名自愿的公路卫队,来自朱祖城卢森()街的村庄,发现中国天然气公司的烟斗铺设了大约15米的铁路,该公司在- yong yong yong yong yong yong yong yong。监督现场的施工,以防止铁路通信光线电缆被挖出并确保安全。

52.在2021年4月28日,杨·温洪(Yang )(女性,57岁,是 Group,村的 Group的 Town, Town的村的志愿铁路卫队成员)两人在铁路上行走的安全,并说服他们说服他们离开铁路,这是一条货运火车,这阻止了铁路交通事故的发生,并确保了线路的安全性和平稳运行。

53.在2021年5月15日左右,棕褐色(男性,48岁,You Line Line Lines 的工头),You Line 的居民,村的居民,洪南省You You You You the of the the li+800-li-800 the wang the wang ye the the li+800烟雾通过电话向You 办公室的Liu Xi报告,他迅速通知Wu ,这是来自You You 的 的志愿铁路卫队,并要求Wu 急于扑灭火灾。 电话报告结束后,谭烟还很迅速从火车站开车到现场,并与较早到达的Wu 一起扑灭(火点位于Li-Cha Line的向上铁路线的右侧,从K45+750+750+K45+800到K45+800),消除了安全的安全危险和确保线路安全性的安全性。

54.在2021年5月22日上午8:32,周(女性,48岁,是荷兰县You 的 Town的自愿铁路后卫),村长30号居民,报道说,一个大洞倒在贝诺夫集团的铁路上,You 的 Town,You 。亨奇维护部分的商店。 在发现信息后,刘XI还通过电话与志愿者的卫队确认了特定的情况和位置。 ,Yun'e迅速赶到现场,并在 Town的 Town的志愿路线上发布了信息东侧路基坡和左铁路肩部之间的长度,宽度和深度为,沿向下的方向。 警察打电话给志愿者的铁路警卫,在现场采取安全预防措施,并立即通过电话告知 ,并迅速开车去现场,稍后,工程部也急于进行挑战。最近。

55. From 18:09 to 19:25 on April 29, 2021, Yang (, 57 years old, a guard of , Town, You , Hunan ), a of Group, , Town, You , found on the many times, so she to carry out and asked them to leave the and not walk on the in the , thus the of and the and of the .

56.在2021年5月13日上午8:50,Luo (男,41岁,是福利镇的志愿者公路卫队,荷兰县北部县),第8号县的居民, Group,村,村, Town,You You 因此,一些村民在收到信息后直接越过铁路。

57.在2021年4月3日上午15:20,Luo (男性,53岁,荷兰省 Town的志愿道路后卫),纽约州 Group的居民,村的3号 Group, Town,You You You the the the the the li-ch in the li-clul clull clull lul lul lul lul lul lulul lul lulul in k53+k53+cha+cha。艾兹村(Azing )带领牛逃走,货物恰好是货运列车,他及时采取了措施,以防止事故。

58.在2021年5月13日左右,Luo (男性,53岁,荷兰县 Town的志愿者公路卫队),纽约州的3号 Group的居民,You You You县 的3号居民,当时他发现了该路线,当时他发现了该路线的路线他很容易导致交通事故。

59.在2021年5月2日的15:20左右,他(男性,59岁,朗克斯()小组的村民, , ,Hunan ,You ,Hunan ),在警察局的K66+700赛季中,他曾在Li-Chaun的范围中造成了燃烧的荒原。

60. 2021年5月19日,Liu (男性,39岁,在 Road小学的老师),洪Xing街的社区的居民, 的 , ,发现在K78+430的coul in coply coply 。警察局。



1.在5月4日上午7:35,李·肖克斯(Li )和谭本申(Tan ),来自西里县林阳镇( Town)的自愿铁路守卫,在巡逻时发现,一个人在k888+500m的铁路上狗在铁路上,这立即批评他自己,并批评他,并批准了铁路的范围,并批准了铁路的安全性,并批准了他的安全性,并要求他批评他的安全。然后,该人离开铁路,确保了火车的平稳运行以及人们的生活和财产的安全。



4.在5月12日上午10:20,李·肖克斯(Li )和谭本申(Tan ),来自西里县(Cili )的 Town的自愿道路,人们在检查期间使用挖掘机在K886+979m的桥梁码头下占领了土壤,这是众所周知的巡回派对。进行土壤,这项检查确保了火车的平稳运行以及人们的生活和财产的安全。

5.在5月12日上午11点左右,来自西里县镇的自愿道路卫队李·肖克斯(Li )和谭本申(Tan )在巡逻时发现,在K888+20m处,一些居民建造了一个临时的棚屋,用于将杂物旁的碎片铺在铁路上,原因是警方拆除了台地,并立即建立了铺路。公共安全局去了居民的房屋了解情况,并为居民进行了铁路安全知识演讲,要求他们进行矫正并在两天内拆除棚屋。

6. 5月13日上午9:30, 的铁路保护团队Chen ,Cili 的 Town发现了一个在铁路上工作的老人,在K891+800m的雨伞上,他在他的检查过程中立即踩着他的驾驶,并在驾驶机构中遇到了曼布拉的行动,并驾驶了曾经的驾驶。离开铁路。

7.在5月13日上午7:00,李·肖克斯(Li )和丹·本斯(Tan )在检查期间发现了一个人在k887+750m的铁路上,在他们的铁路上,铁路对他进行了批评。火车和人们的生活和财产的安全。

8.在5月13日上午11:19,Cilli 的 Town的志愿者铁路保护团队的成员巡逻于K873 + 495米,并发现一名老人在火车下爬行,他建议他迅速离开,并在他的范围内宣布这一危险。老人立即离开了铁路,确保了他的人身安全。

9.在5月17日上午11:16,来自Cili县 Town的志愿者Chen Dehai在K873+490米处巡逻,一辆火车正驶向高速公路,但公民正急于越过他的境地,他的境地很危险。为了对自己的生活负责,不忽略个人生命危险,以便在听到这一点之后,立即离开了铁路轨道,确保了他的人身安全和平稳的火车运行。

10. At 9:42 am on May 24, Chen Dehai, a guard from Town, Cili , was at K873+790 when he found a the . The guard used to her to leave , her . He then found out where her was and the to to the and .

11. At 14:13 on the of April 21, 2021, Tian Tao, a guard from , Shadi , , was in , Shadi , (under the ) and found that the piers and under the of on were by , major and the of the piers. Tian Tao to the of Shadi and it in the Joint Group. The Road with the City and for the West Road to send to check the , and the and local joint and dealt with to the of .

12. At 15:44 on the of April 26, 2021, Li Jiang, a guard in , Shati , , was in , Shati , (under the ) and found a three- there for gas. The was with gas tanks, and there were more than 10 on the . They were to deal with the gas tanks under the high-speed , which posed a major . If the gas tanks had gas and , the would be . Li Jiang to the in time to deal with it, and it to the Road and it in the road group in a , a and .

13. At 15:49 on the of May 15, 2021, the from West the that a had the piles of the Pier , a major . They the in the joint group and and with the Road . The Road the and legal and of the Road of Shati , and the staff and road team Li Jiang and other to rush to the scene to and stop. It was that the 1801 line was and , and the pier piles were . This is a for the . After the two , the was to .

14. At 14:08 am on May 20, 2021, the of a that Xiong , a of , was and roots next to the of the , and crop waste more than ten away from the . The thick smoke . He and the , and the Law and the High-speed to the , them that it is to burn and crops 150 along the , that the will their ! After the 's , the party , Xiong , said that he would never do the same thing again! of a to .

15. At 9:00 am on June 2, 2021, Gao , of , a that the of the pine and fruit trees in Zhang 's home in Group were too close to the wires, a major to . After , it was that the be cut down. Zhang took the to and cut down the fruit trees that the on June 2, the of . A total of three trees and two pine trees were cut down, which the of the .


1. At 9:20 on May 8, 2021, the guard on duty, Zou Yong, the cave at K1468+052 and found that the Water Plant had put up an board. He it on the spot, the in time, and the and flow of the line!

2. At 10:25 on May 2, 2021, the guard on duty and found that the mesh on the east side of the K1457+320 was open, so he it, a and the and of the line!

3. On May 4, 2021, Zou , of the Road , and Zhang Qizi, of , and with each other, and an in which a large of were piled up by along the high-speed rail line, in a and the and flow of the line!

4. At 10:10 on May 8, 2021, the guard on duty found Yan Jin, a from Group 7 of , , grass in the field 20 away from the high-speed rail on the west side of K1483+500 while the line. After Leng 's on-site and , Yan Jin the harm of fire to the high-speed rail line to the of high-speed rail . The fire was put out, and the were in time to the and of the line!

5. At 7:54 on May 3, 2021, Tong , the guard on duty at J201 of the - First , was the K1462+700 of the . He found that some film used by for early rice was piled under the , a major to the of the line. He it up, the in time, and the and flow of the line!

6. On May 15, 2021, the high- poles at 1449+80 on the - in Bitou , were blown by the wind and very , and there is a of at any time. and of are to the and of the line!

7. At 10:10 on May 8, 2021, Jiang , the guard on duty at J202 of the - First , was at the K1462+300 of the . He found a pile of and film under the . After , it was found that they to Jiang , a . So they car- and road- and the with the owner, in time and the and flow of the line!

8. On the of May 25, Tao the line to the west of K1417+180 and found that the side net had been and cut open. He then the net with wire, the of the .

9. At about 12:00 am on May 1, 2021, when Zhu Wenwu, a of the of Miluo East , was the line to K1516+200m of the - High-speed , he saw a lot of on the about 10 away from the line, which posed a major to the of the high-speed rail. Upon , it was found that the of Peng Rilin, a in , was a . If so, he to the Peng Rilin's home to carry out and legal . , the the harm of to the of the high-speed rail, and up the on the . in a to the of the line.

10. At 1:00 pm on May 3, 2021, Fu Ximin, the guard on duty at the of Miluo East , was the line at K1517+270m on the - High-speed when he saw a on the frame, a huge to the of the high-speed . He it and it back to the duty booth to the in time and the of the line.

11. At about 19:00 on the of May 5, 2021, when Zhu Ming, a guard at the of Miluo East , was the line and going down to the - High-speed at K1515+444m, he saw thick smoke and near the wall about 5 away from the line, a great to the of the high-speed . Upon , it was found that Zhu , a of the Yujia Group, was waste near the wall of his home. If so, he and put out the fire. , the guard Zhu Ming and legal for the , Zhu , to the in a and the of the line.

12. At about 9:00 am on May 15, 2021, Liu , a guard at the Miluo East of Miluo East , found a that two large of film the cow dung 15 away from the - High-speed K1502+600m , a great to the of the high-speed . He the to Cui, the of the , and Zhang Wu, the team . After the , Zhang Wu to the scene with the in of the power , and and legal for the party , He Wei, and the party in all the two large of film the cow dung, the in time, and the of the line.

13. At about 14:00 on the of May 22, 2021, when Xu , a guard at the Miluo East of Miluo East , was the line and going up to K1507+200m of the - High-speed , he saw local Sun Xun steel tiles on the steel shed in front of his house about 40 away from the line. He to stop him and and legal to the , while that steel tiles on the steel shed would pose a great to the of the high-speed rail. , the the of the and to the tiles to fix the steel shed, the in time, and the of the line.

14. At about 10:00 am on May 29, 2021, when Xu , a guard on duty at the Miluo East of Miluo East , was the line and going down to the - High-speed K1502+950m, he saw a local Liao using a large to take soil 20 away from the line, which posed a major to the line and . He to stop the and legal for the . At the same time, he the to the work area and the in a , and an off-road in time, the of the line.

15. At 10:20 am on May 30, 2021, Huang , a guard on duty at the of Miluo East , was the line when he under the at K1499+400m of the - High-speed . He saw Xiang , a land of , to use a drone to spray 50 away from the line, a major to the line . He to stop him and legal for the . Xiang gave up with , the in time, and the of the line.

16. On May 16, 2021, Wang , Yu , Wang and other of the Road Team of were the , , and of the Haoji . They found that there was a large gap under the in some parts of the due to heavy rain on the night of May 15, a . They their own hoes, up large rocks to block the gap, and their own , doing their best to the safe of the Haoji .

17. On May 21, 2021, Wang , a of the road team of , , was the of the Haoji when he found that some were to burn near the . He to them and an act of straw along the that might cause .

18. At 19:35 on May 1, 2020, the 41022 train to the tower that an old man was found at the of track 2. Hu to the scene and found an old man on the 2nd track of the at 1427+300. At this time, the Z208 train had . He went to carry the old man down the track and sent him to the tower to rest, thus the of . Upon , it was found that the old man had over from the fence of Xuepo . His name was Wu Jieru, 70 years old, and he lived in Room 911, 2, Jin'e . He had a mild and could have . His was the badge to take him back.

19. At 14:30 on the of May 24, 2020, Feng , a , was the line and found a male of the in near K1426+400 of the - Line. He was about 60 years old and over the wall to plant on the slope of the line. Feng to stop him and him to leave the to any .

20. At about 21:00 on May 15, 2020, Ge , a of the G240 1 in City, that when the site in to , he found that the fence ( K1426+950 of the - Line) was about 4 high and due to heavy rain. Ge to the , to in on-site , and with the of the to the of the line.

21. On May 1, 2021, Li , a guard at the Youpu of East , a that there were 7 20 of the high-speed along the line from K1390+800m to K1401+0m. He them up to , and high-speed to .

22. On May 15, 2021, Fang , a guard at the Wuli of East , a sheet on the down line (K1404+430m). In order to it from being blown into the line by winds and , he it up and the .

23. On May 16, 2021, Yuan , a guard at the Wuli of East , the at K1409+45m and found that there was deep water in the after the heavy rain and the of the ditch was by . He it up to the .

24. On May 1, 2021, Li , a guard at the of East , the at K1425+200m and found under the . He high-speed rail to them, in the items, and .

25. On May 3, 2021, Liu , a guard at the of East , at K1428+425m and found a large tree blown down on the base door by the wind. He asked to help cut down the tree to the .

26. At 10:00 on May 3, Liu , a of the road team of the of East , was the line at K1446+900 when he found a large of and cloth piled up in the park, close to the . He the to the chief of the and the local road .

27. On May 19, 2021, Luo Wei, a guard from , Town, Miluo City, was on his way to work when he K1516+280m of the - Line. He found that half of the soil at the of the poles of the -line to the east of the place had been away by rain, the roots of the poles, which were in of down at any time, the of . He the in the , and the the power to carry out , a in time.

28. On May 14, 2021, Dai Zilin, a road guard from , Town, Miluo City, was on the west side of K1511+790m on the - Line and found that the fence was open and could enter the line at any time. He the from the and found iron wire to it to from and a .



1. was to on June 18, and the line and was . , the of K19+500-K19+950 were , the lives and of the . This , Yan , a of the team near the high-speed , took the to bring cages, iron wires, etc. to and the 4 fence to the of and the in the .

2. On June 7, 2021, Luo Zukun, a guard from the , a on the fence at K1157+900 of the - High-Speed ​​ in , City. The was easy to climb into the net, the of the high-speed . Luo Zukun it to the in the and the , the of the high-speed .

3. On June 3, 2021, Xu , a guard from the Yujun of South , that on the route of the - High-Speed ​​ 1177 were blown down on the fence by winds while the line in Town, City. The had . Xu the , the , and the of the high-speed .

4. On June 11, 2021, Wu , a guard from the Yujun of South , the by on the 1175 of the - High-Speed ​​ in Town, City, the and safe of the .

5. On June 11, 2021, Cao , a guard at the Yujun of South , the piled on the 1168 of the - High-Speed ​​ in Town, City, the of the .

6. At 14:00 on June 20, 2021, Zhang , a guard from the in Town, City, found sheep at K1155+600 on his way home. Zhang to stop the and drove him away from the . He then let him go after him, thus the of the high-speed .

7. At 7:20 on June 5, 2021, Zeng Zili, a of the No. 11 post at , Town, Yuhu , and Huang Fubin, the head of the , found a of by at K1122+350m of the - High-speed while a line . They to guide and the and the , and them not to set off and near the to avoid the of high-speed rail . They and from off and near the high-speed rail, the of the high-speed rail.

8. At 11:13 am on June 5, 2021, Yang , a of the guard post No. 9 at , Town, Yuhu , and Pan , a of the guard post No. 9 at , were on their at K1118+710M of the - High-speed when they that the ditch was with weeds and , a . They the weeds and that were the ditch, thus the of the high-speed line.

9. At 8:20 am on June 15, 2021, Lu , a of the guard team at the No. 13 post in Town, Yuhu , and Huang Fubin, the guard team of the , a of by at K1126+500m of the - High-speed a line . They to guide and the and the , and them not to set off and near the to avoid the of the high-speed . They and the from off and near the high-speed , the of the high-speed .

10. At 9:50 on June 13, 2021, Lu , a of the guard team at No. 13 Post in Town, Yuhu , and Huang Fubin, the guard team of , found that the ditch was by weeds and when they at K1127+669M of the - High-speed their daily . They the weeds and that the ditch and the , thus the of the high-speed line.