污水处理厂实习报告(共8篇) .docx

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污水处理厂实习报告(共8篇) .docx

污水处理厂实习报告(共8篇) 第1篇:污水处理厂实习报告。 毕业实习报告题目:青岛市李沧区污水处理厂工艺设计系名:班级:学号:学生姓名:指导老师:年月目录一、实习目的及意义(1二、实习内容(12.1污水处理厂概况(12.2污水处理厂污水处理的工艺流程及设备:(22.2.1氧化沟法:(22.2.2活性污泥法:(22.2.3A2/O工艺流程(3三、污水处理厂工艺流程(43.1处理工艺(43.3除臭工艺(9总结(11附图:(12青岛市李沧区污水处理厂实习报告一、实习目的及意义毕业实习是学生在大学期间的必修课,也是每个大学生重要的实践内容。今年3月份我们在指导老师的带领下来到青岛,参观学习在这里污水处理厂和垃圾填埋场实习了一周。实习不仅让我们学到了很多课堂上学不到的知识,而且开阔了视野,增长了见识,为我们以后更好地把所学知识运用到实际工作中打下了坚实的基础。通过生产实习,我对专业知识有了更深入的了解,进一步掌握了污水处理工作的精髓,了解了污水处理过程中存在的问题,理论与实践相冲突的难点问题。最后通过撰写实习报告,我学会了综合运用所学知识,提高了分析和解决专业问题的能力。

本次实习为毕业实习,主要锻炼动手能力,提高实践能力。在实习过程中,可以通过独立工作、协作等方式提高自己的工作能力。在了解基本工艺流程的基础上,结合所学知识对工艺进行计算、评估,并与目前流行的先进工艺进行比较,找出其优缺点。同时,可以了解工作人员的具体工作内容,方便了解自己以后的就业和努力方向。在不断学习的过程中,强化自己的社交能力等综合能力。2.实习内容2.1污水处理厂概况污水处理厂隶属于青岛经济技术开发区城市发展投资有限公司,厂区位于青岛经济技术开发区凤凰岛(薛家岛、黄岛湾以南),总占地面积104亩,服务人口21万,服务面积51平方公里。 目前污水厂由污水一期、污水二期、污水三期及再生水回用工程组成,总污水处理能力为8.5万吨/日。其中,一期投资6956万元,采用三沟氧化沟工艺,设计处理能力2.5万吨/日,由上海市政工程设计院设计,由中建八局等施工单位于1997年12月建成。2000年9月通过青岛市环保局组织的验收,正式投入运行。出水水质要求达到二级排放标准;污水二期投资4514.38万元,采用多点水反接A2/O工艺,设计处理能力3万吨/日,由上海市政工程设计院设计,2000年6月30日开始试运行。11月底通过环保局组织的验收,正式投入运行。

三期污水处理工程投资约4500万元,同样采用多点进水倒置A2/O工艺,设计处理规模为3万吨/日,由上海市政工程设计院设计,1月底开始试运行,6月份通过环保局正式验收。二、三期污水处理工程设计出水水质均要求达到一级B标准,设计水质指标为:CODcr≤60mg/L;BOD5≤20mg/L;SS≤20mg/L; 氨氮≤8(15mg/L;TP≤1mg/L。再生水回用项目远期设计处理能力为6万吨/日,现阶段建设规模为2万吨/日,投资1061.22万元,于2017年6月竣工。为保证污水处理厂周边的空气环境,根据环保要求,污水处理厂罩盖除臭项目于2017年8月开工建设,采用生物滤池与土壤滤池相结合的处理工艺,项目于2017年12月竣工,总投资约1100万元,目前处于生产试运行阶段。2.2污水处理厂污水处理的工艺流程及设备:2.2.1氧化沟法:图1氧化沟工艺流程示意图:生活污水经筛管井内机械或人工筛管拦截漂浮物后进入吸污井,经回水管排出。由吸污井中的潜水排污泵提升至旋风曝气除砂系统。出水在重力作用下流入氧化沟,氧化沟出水经配水井进入二沉池,二沉池出水排出。二沉池中的污泥在重力作用下进入污泥收集井,由回流污泥泵将回流污​​泥提升至氧化沟,剩余污泥泵将剩余污泥提升至污泥浓缩池。浓缩后的污泥在重力作用下流入污泥泵井,再由污泥提升泵提升至污泥储罐。污泥储罐中的污泥再由污泥脱水间的螺旋泵提升至带式压滤机,过滤后的泥饼外运出去。

2.2.2活性污泥法:图2:活性污泥处理工艺流程活性污泥法处理污水是通过活性污泥与污水形成混合液,使污水中的有机物与活性污泥中的微生物充分接触,溶解性的有机物会被细胞吸附吸收进入细胞原生质中,在胞内酶的作用下被氧化分解。污水中的悬浮物、有机物被吸附后,首先在胞外酶的作用下被微生物分解成可溶性的低分子有机物,然后进入细胞内。通过这样的相互转移和微生物代谢,有机物被分解,污水得到净化,细胞合成,活性污泥量不断增加。将污水中悬浮的活性污泥分离出来,即可得到净化后的污水。2.2.3 A2/O工艺A2/O工艺或AAO工艺,工艺流程简单。 A2/O工艺即厌氧-缺氧-好氧活性污泥法工艺。在反硝化除磷过程中,污水首先进入厌氧池,兼性厌氧发酵菌将污水中的有机物氨化,回流污泥带入的聚磷酸盐菌则进行分解释放磷。缺氧区的反硝化菌利用混合液回流带入的硝酸盐和进水中的有机物进行反硝化,好氧区的聚磷酸盐菌则主动吸收环境中的溶解磷,以聚磷酸盐的形式储存起来。污水中的有机物流经厌氧区和缺氧区后分别被聚磷酸盐菌和反硝化菌利用后,浓度很低,有利于自养硝化细菌的生长繁殖。 A2/O法是最简单的同步反硝化除磷工艺,具有流程简单、总水力停留时间较其他工艺短、不需外加碳源等优点。

在厌氧、好氧交替运行条件下,可抑制丝状菌繁殖,克服污泥膨胀,SVI一般小于100,有利于处理后的污水和污泥分离。运行时厌氧、缺氧段只需轻轻搅拌,运行费用低,工艺流程简单,污泥沉降性能好。缺点是除磷效果受泥龄、溶解氧及回流污泥中的NO3--N限制。初沉池、曝气池、二沉池出水污泥在无进水情况下回流可能非常理想;同时由于反硝化效果取决于混合液回流比,A2/O工艺混合液回流比不宜过高(≤200%),反硝化效果不能满足更高的要求。 主要设备名称及作用: 格栅池:拦截污水中的漂浮物 曝气沉砂池:沉砂、除砂、砂水分离 初沉池:对污水进行污泥沉淀过程 曝气池:利用吸附、降解作用去除水中的有机物 二沉池:对污水再次进行污泥沉淀过程,得到净化水 污泥浓缩池:进行污泥浓缩,减少污泥体积 脱水机:对污泥进行再次脱水,减少污泥体积,脱水污泥易于进一步处理 三、污水处理厂工艺流程 3.1处理工艺 污泥浓缩—重力浓缩 离心浓缩 气浮浓缩 加药 机械浓缩 污泥消化—好氧消化 厌氧消化 污泥脱水—自然干化 脱水 机械脱水 粗格栅的作用是除去进水中的悬浮物,如粒径较大的菜叶等生活垃圾,垃圾收集后运出厂。 本厂使用的粗筛有:三缆粗筛、链条粗筛、回转粗筛。

泵房把进来的污水提升到足够的高度,以满足污水处理工艺所需的水压差。细筛主要用于细小的垃圾污水,可采用手动控制,自动控制,分时或优先处理,根据具体情况选择具体的运行方式。垃圾收集后运出厂,工厂使用的细筛为阶梯式细筛。细筛旋流沉砂池旋流沉砂池有两个,它的工作原理是利用旋转的液流产生足够的离心力,使水中的砂石沉降下来,砂水处理器逆时针旋转,泥沙颗粒从旋流沉砂池出来。初沉池经旋流沉砂池处理后的水通入初沉池,可配置配水井分别进入两个初沉池,使两个初沉池水量平衡,也可完全关闭其中一个初沉池。 此步骤主要是沉淀污泥、过滤浮渣。沉淀得到的污泥通过污泥管泵入污泥储池,污水从此池中间进入,处理后的水从两侧排出。初沉池深8-9米,直径45米。曝气池是整个污水处理的核心部分,曝气池采用底部微孔曝气方式,用鼓风机将气流吹入曝气池,为活性污泥提供充足的氧气。活性污泥应及时回流,以保证曝气池中有足够的活性污泥浓度。其回流控制由回流污泥泵房实现。二沉池曝气池出水由二沉池配水井调节平衡,其作用与初沉池配水井类似,可平衡四个二沉池的水位。 经配水井调节流量后的水流进入二沉池进行沉淀,上层清液排入湟水河,实现无害化处理。

处理后的废水能达到国家二级标准。二沉池污水处理系统出现异常情况1、污泥膨胀——污泥结构疏松,体积膨胀,含水量增大,丝状菌大量增殖。2、污泥解体——水质浑浊,污泥絮体被打破,污泥内微生物平衡被破坏,吸附能力降低,絮体体积减小。3、污泥腐败——二沉池污泥大块上浮。4、污泥上浮——曝气池污泥泥龄过长,二沉池污泥大块上浮。由于现有城市老城区仍采用合流排水系统,逐步改造为雨污分流系统是一个长期的过程,短期内无法完成。 因此污水处理厂需要考虑雨季合流污水处理,雨季进入污水处理厂的污水中混入了大量的雨水,造成原水水量、水质波动较大,对污水处理厂的处理工艺将产生较大的影响,因此必须选择抗冲击能力强的处理工艺。同时根据污水处理厂进出水水质、污染物去除率等要求,污水处理工艺必须具备脱氮、除磷的功能。即墨污水处理厂采用氧化沟工艺,与传统氧化沟不同的是,氧化沟采用立式叶轮曝气机,抗冲击能力强,通过曝气区的完全混合作用,使污水得到最大程度的稀释,并在通道内获得推流模型的一些特性,使曝气后的污水流向出水堰时形成良好的混合液絮凝体。 氧化沟内布置6台叶轮曝气机,其中4台为定速,2台为变速,以满足不同的供氧要求。曝气机主要由电动机、减速装置、传动轴、中心锥形叶轮等组成,叶轮直径为D=,单台功率为110kW,增氧量为2.2kg/h。

当电机减速装置带动高强度叶轮旋转时,污水从底部中心锥形叶轮的进水口121被泵送上来,以低流量射流的形式排出。液体在经过水面时,大量空气被带入水体,液面呈激流状态被搅拌,产生强烈的湍流,达到充氧、循环、混合的目的。城市污水经市政污水管道靠重力流入污水处理厂,污水中较大的漂浮物经粗筛去除后进入进水泵房,经进水泵提升后流入细筛、旋流沉砂池,去除相对较小的漂浮物和砂粒,砂粒经螺旋分离器分离后输送出去。沉砂池出水进入配水井,配水井出水靠重力流入氧化沟前的厌氧段。 污水在厌氧段完成厌氧释磷,随后进入缺氧段,利用水中有机物进行硝化脱氮,随后污水进入好氧段进行好氧生化反应、硝化和生物吸磷。经过一段时间的曝气,污水进入辐流沉淀池进行泥水分离。同时根据污泥的增长情况,排出一部分剩余污泥,澄清液流入加氯接触池,经加氯消毒后排入墨水河。3.2污泥处理工艺由于污水处理采用生物脱氮除磷工艺,污泥的重力浓缩会将污泥中的磷释放出来,因此污泥处理采用浓缩脱水一体化工艺。 剩余污泥通过剩余污泥泵排入污泥储存池,储存的污泥由污泥泵提升至脱水间,经过机械浓缩、离心脱水后由胶带输送机运送至污泥棚,最后运往城市垃圾填埋场进行填埋。

从污泥储罐排出的清液与从脱水机排出的滤液进入污水管道。3.3除臭工序污水处理厂不可避免地会产生臭味。 其主要成分有氮气(N2)、氧气(O2)、二氧化碳(CO2)、硫化氢(H2S)、氨气(NH4)、甲烷(CH5),以及产生恶臭的气体,如胺类、硫醇类、有机硫化物、粪臭素、吲哚等微量有机成分气体。需要处理的气体有硫化氢(H2S)、氨气(NH3)、甲烷(CH4)、胺类、硫醇类、有机硫化物、粪臭素、吲哚等。根据即墨污水处理厂所在地,确定污水厂厂界废气排放标准为二级标准9(标准编号:-,见表4)。恶臭除臭采用生物滤池工艺。该方法以生物滤池作为处理恶臭的主要设备,采用生物法处理废气,污染物最终分解为CO2、和H2O,不产生二次污染。其工艺流程为:废气收集→预洗池→风机→生物滤池→净化后的气体。预洗槽内装有螺旋玫瑰形填料,收集到的废气通过预洗槽,再经喷淋,调节温度、湿度和pH值,除去固体污染物。预洗槽内装有液滴分离器,防止清洗液的液滴进入生物滤池。预洗槽还可作为有效的缓冲装置,降低污染负荷的峰值。处理后的废气再次流入生物滤池,其中的臭味污染物被降解成无味化合物。生物降解的主要反应式为:污染物+O2→微生物→细胞物质+CO2+H2O废气首先进入生物滤池底部的分布系统,然后缓慢穿过生物活性填料床层,最后以扩散气流的形式离开滤池表面。

10 小结 毕业实习报告和毕业实习是学生在完成大学四年全部课程之后最重要的实践环节。在实习过程中,我们直接接触企业,进一步了解和认识企业的实际运作流程,熟悉和掌握市场经济下企业的运作规律,特别是企业运作的基本规律,了解企业经营和活动中存在的问题以及改革的困难。此次实习参观,让我们大开眼界,也是对以前所学知识的初步回顾。通过这次生产实习,我们进一步巩固和深化了所学的理论知识,弥补了以前单一理论教学的不足,为毕业设计打下了良好的基础。短短几天,我们学到了很多以前不了解的知识。实习虽然结束了,但并不代表学习的结束,为了以后能更好地学习和工作,学习是必然的选择。 不管以后有什么样的变化,学习都会让我更加有资本,更有能力去应对我们面临的困难。学习不再是学校和老师的系统灌输,而是在生活和工作中不断积累和自己主动学习,这将是属于我的一笔财富。时代赋予我们的责任很重,我们应该加倍努力,肩负起自己的责任。总的来说,这次实习让我更加成熟,更加稳重。这次实习让我对污泥的堆肥工艺和固体废物,主要是生活垃圾的处理方法、工艺流程和设备有了深刻的了解。

不仅开阔了眼界,受益匪浅,而且能够把课本上学到的理论知识运用到实际操作中,加强了动手能力,受益匪浅。我们知道,通过实践,可以检验自己掌握的知识程度。虽然看到的和学到的差不多,但有些细节我怎么也想不到。比如垃圾停留时间,磁选等细节。虽然都是小问题,但与整个流程的顺利进行密不可分,是一个接一个的环节。通过与指导老师和老师的交流,巩固和丰富了课堂上学到的理论知识。虽然在课堂上听老师对两个污泥和垃圾处理现场及其处理工艺的介绍,对它们有了初步的了解,但真正学以致用,是通过自己在实践过程中的发现。并能发现自己理论水平与实践的差距,使自己清晰地认识到知识的重要性和专业性。 11 附图 粗进水格栅 提升泵房 细格栅 互助路 粗进水格栅 旋风沉砂池 污泥回流 分配井 分配井 曝气池 初沉池 剩余污泥 二沉池 出水口 剩余污泥 污泥输送 脱水间 均质池 污泥浓缩池 活性污泥 流程图 第二章 污水处理厂实习报告 河北科技大学 参观实习报告 实习报告 实习性质 单位 学院(系) 专业 班级名称 学号 指导老师 参观实习 昌黎国水污水处理厂 理化学院 化学1002班-0 河北科技大学 参观实习报告 2.2 实习报告——污水处理厂概况 2.2.1 污水处理厂基本信息: 昌黎县污水处理厂位于昌黎县大蒲河镇大蒲河村常黄公路南侧。 设计日处理污水4万吨,污水处理厂估算总投资10052万元,厂区占地66亩,运营方式采用BOT形式,采用的污水处理工艺为SBR工艺,即序批式活性污泥处理工艺,升级改造采用反硝化生物滤池+转盘滤池工艺。处理后的污水排放符合《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(-)一级A标准。

污泥经脱水、加钙干化处理,出厂污泥含水率达40~60%。2.2.2污水处理构筑物粗格栅及进水泵房各一座、细格栅各一座、曝气沉淀池各一座、鼓风机房各一座、SBR生物池两座、接触池各一座、加氯间各一座、污泥贮存池各一座、脱水间及加钙干化间各一座、变电间两座、中间提升泵房各一座、反硝化生物滤池各一座、转轮滤池各一座、加药间各一座、甲醇间各一座。2.2.3污水处理厂集水范围为昌黎县城、黄金海岸旅游区、昌黎工业园区及沿途部分乡镇的生活污水。 2.2.4 污水处理厂运行情况 1.污水处理厂于 2017 年 12 月 22 日开始水质调试,2018 年 2 月 20 日通过秦皇岛市环保验收,升级改造工程于 2018 年 11 月 25 日通过昌黎县监测站水质验收,处理后水质达到一级 A 排放标准。 2.截至目前,水厂连续稳定运行,污水处理设施运行正常,日处理水量约 4 万吨。出水水质的化学需氧量 COD、生化需氧量 BOD、氨氮 NH3-N、总磷 TP 等-2 河北科技大学参观实践报告 2.3.2 粗筛 爬升式粗筛可使来水通过粗筛滤除一些较大的固体杂质。 -4河北科技大学参观实践报告2.3.5曝气沉砂池格栅出水直接进入曝气沉砂池,在池中去除砂石及无机固体颗粒。

2.3.6 SBR反应池、沉砂池出水自流至SBR反应池,为污水处理的核心工艺。SBR工艺为序批式活性污泥工艺,污水的曝气、沉淀在单个生物池内按时、按序重复进行。污水经配水井后进入SBR生物池,各生物池周期性运行,每个周期包括曝气、沉淀、滗析、闲置四个阶段。曝气、沉淀时进水,闲置时排出剩余污泥。每个生物池前端设有选择池,进水与回流的污泥及混合液在此混合,防止污泥膨胀。SBR工艺的生物池可通过改变周期设定来改变污水在各阶段生物处理的停留时间,以适应进水水质水量的变化。昌黎污水处理厂采用曝气反应2小时,沉淀1小时。 ——第六次河北科技大学访问实习报告 2.5与本人专业相关的测定项目:COD、BOD、总磷、氨氮。 2.5.1化学需氧量(COD) 化学需氧量(COD)的测定 重铬酸钾法:是指用重铬酸钾作氧化剂,在强酸和加热条件下处理水样时所消耗的氧化剂的量,单位为mg/L。我厂采用重铬酸钾法。 方法原理:在强酸溶液中,用一定量的重铬酸钾氧化水样中的还原性物质,以绿铁为指示剂,用硫酸亚铁铵溶液反滴定过量的重铬酸钾。根据所用的硫酸亚铁铵的量计算出水样中还原性物质所消耗的氧量。 2.5.2 生化需氧量(BOD)的测定 生化需氧量:指微生物在规定的条件下,分解水中某些可氧化物质特别是有机物的生化过程中所消耗的溶解氧的量,单位为mg/L。

我们的工厂采用稀释方法来确定2.5.3总磷(TP)的测定是每天测量的,空白样品,入口水样品和出口水样品是在氧化滴度下添加了氧化的原理,并添加了氧化的原理。 IC近聚酸会通过还原剂抗坏血酸减少,并成为蓝色的复合物,通常与磷酸化蓝色(NH3-N)的测定。碘化钾与氨反应产生浅红色棕色胶体化合物,这些胶体化合物在更宽的波长范围内具有强吸收。 2.6后期 - 对污水处理厂的访问使我对污水处理过程有了更具体和直观的理解,我对教师和技术人员进行了仔细的解释。从黑色和臭味的污水中,污水处理厂起着重要的作用,将新鲜的血液带到了城市的水源,这是我们在环境工程领域的主修。 ,绿色可以适当增加。 它不仅有益于美化,而且还有益-8第3章:污水处理厂实习报告XXX技术识别实习报告学院:能源和动力工程学院专业:环境工程课程:09-2名称:Wang Fei在本学期,我终于学会了我一直期待着我们的职业 and and and and Mart。带有有趣的格栅,沉积罐,生物膜,活性污泥等,教室还活着。

有些好奇心和兴趣,我们最喜欢的是污水处理厂,毕竟要看污水处理厂,这本书和本书均不在内。因此,每个人都不懈怠。 1. 污水处理厂的简介:污水处理厂位于霍霍特市的南部第二环道路的南侧,覆盖了387英亩的区域,服务范围为84平方公里。 __,__和__的扩展为150,000吨污泥消化,每年进行100,000吨/天的次要治疗过程,每年采用50,000吨的二次治疗方法; The 150,000 tons/day - , and the is and of after . : At nine o'clock in the , led by two Song, our whole class came to Plant. The staff of the plant took time out of their busy to greet us, the of the plant in , and every link of the plant.

1后污水和二次处理后,污水和引入污水均采用了物理方法。流动和功能引入物理化学预处理是在废水处理中分离废水中的悬浮颗粒和胶体颗粒的第一步,在预处理过程中,良好的颗粒分离方法是必要的。随后的处理过程。 通过调整适当的曝气体积,具有较高密度的无机颗粒与污水相分开,同时减少沉积罐的负载,同时可以分开有机颗粒,以便于仔细研究了大约60%的COD与粒子的粒子相结合。 ISM或在物理预处理上的颗粒上(例如重金属和有机痕量污染物)。

在水入口通道中以一定的角度安装在水中泵站的水中,以拦截污水中的粗悬浮固体和杂质。超过40毫米。 0.01m/10m污水。 屏幕残留物的含量约为80%,大约是960千克/m。并且可以在最大流量下高于1.2-1.4m/s,以防止流动阻塞和回流的现象,通常应逐渐扩展零件,并在屏幕上设置屏幕上的频道和屏幕上的通道,以确保屏幕上的时间为0。 对于工业污水,根据诸如所使用的屏幕栏的间距和清洁时间间隔等因素,应保留部分阻塞所需的安全额。

1.抬起泵室2.细屏幕:清除较小的浮动物品,悬浮物,纤维材料和固体颗粒,减少后续处理单元的处理负荷,并确保污泥处理系统的正常运行:2组碎型屏幕筛选。鼓屏屏幕是一个精细的屏幕,或者是在废水处理过程中使用的超细屏幕。单位。 楔形的屏幕杆可防止截距的碎屑,以b的缝隙b。对整个格栅的连续清洁效果。 and 参数:总共2个网格,液压保留时间4分钟。

主要功能:污水较高的无机颗粒与较重的有机颗粒相比,降低了随后的处理设备的磨损:2组曝光系统;可以通过最经济的纯化步骤来清除BOD的质量。颗粒,从而增强了固定液体分离效果(3)。 (4)在一定程度上,主要的沉积罐可以发挥调节罐的作用,并具有一定程度的均质作用,对水质变化对随后的生物化学系统的影响。有机物质并提高原发性沉积罐的去除效率,在主要的沉积罐之前,可以添加含铁的凝结剂,以增强含铁的磷污水污泥的污泥消化,还可以增加硫化剂的活性,从而增加硫化剂的活性。

主要的沉积罐(1)表面负荷会影响悬浮固体的有效沉积物,并减少悬浮固体的去除率。此外,氧气缺陷的高浓度是腐败和固体粒径,形状和密度。 ℃。 但是,高水温还会加速污水的腐败和厌氧发酵,减少颗粒沉积的密度差异,并将其隔离式操作(3)操作(3)进行操作。沉积罐,如果先前的过程不舒服,它将增加原发性沉积物的负载,并在处理系统中降低次要沉积罐中的污泥。 Ly,影响固体的去除并对环境产生不利影响。 有2个主沉积罐,直径为42m,有效的水深度为38m,单个储罐设计流量为2708.5m3/h,液压保留时间为1.98h。

游泳池提供了一定的污水,以满足有氧微生物所需的氧气,以及污水的混合条件,充分接触到充气罐硝化和磷的去除过程是传统的污泥过程,生物硝化和硝化过程,生物磷的去除过程是过程流程图的工作原理。 5,SS和氮和磷的各种形式将一一去除。 在A2O生物解析和去除磷的活性污泥中,细菌群落主要由硝化细菌,替代细菌和多磷酸细菌组成在缺氧的截面中,通过生物反硝化引入的硝酸盐将硝酸盐转化为氮气,从而逃脱到大气中,从而在厌氧部分中实现了衰变的目的吸收过量的磷,并通过排放残余污泥去除磷。 (2)在同时脱氧,磷化和去除有机物的过程中,该过程流量最简单,并且总液压保留时间也比其他类似的过程短。

(3)在厌氧 - 氧化毒素的交替操作下,丝状细菌不会大量繁殖,SVI通常少于100,而污泥散布不会发生(4)污泥中的磷含量很高。 ,总设备的总保留时间为11.84 h。 污水处理厂的普通曝气过程在适当的工作条件下具有一定的磷和氮去除功能,而鳕鱼,BOD和SS可以符合设计排放标准,但是在冬季,活化的污泥的质量会降低,因此降低了氮的量化污水入口水中的磷含量相对较高,以改善磷的去除效果,并抑制丝状细菌的繁殖并防止污泥的扩张,在曝气罐的中间提供了调整部分,这可以在有氧和氧化液之间切换到不同的工作条件下,以供应量。通过齿状三角形堰。 由于使用桥梁式刮刀,刮擦机和抽吸机收集的污泥泵池通过污泥排放管道。

使用2个生物充气罐,实际流量/小时,每个储罐的有效水量,6m的水深度,设计的污泥年龄为15D,总保留时间为11.84h,有2个次要沉积罐在污水处理厂中有2个次要的沉积罐INBAN污水处理厂具有某些磷和氮去除功能,而废水COD,BOD和SS可以符合设计排放标准,但由于活性污泥的质量较低,因此在冬季降低了 的去除率,并从原始的30%中降低了30%。通常,新建的污水处理厂对去除氨的氮有一定的要求,普通充气过程的反硝化作用不好。 因此,当进水浓度不高并且有扁平化的要求时,建议不使用废水处理厂的污泥。曝气罐的长度很难匹配,并且氧气消耗率可能高于储罐前部的氧气供应率,并且溶解的氧气在后面的氧气中可能过多。

从最初的30次降至10。目前,氮引起的环境问题通常会吸引新的污水处理厂,因此在氮气中不好的过程中,对氨的含量不好。由于资金的短缺,污水处理厂不能适当地处置。池中的氧气和溶解的氧气在背面可能过多; 2.金山处理厂 污水处理厂是金山开发区的支持基础设施项目,总投资为8286万元,它将建造一个公共建筑,建筑面积为1,260m2,七个污水处理池,建筑面积为1,300平方平方供应工程。第一阶段的每日污水处理能力为20,000吨,污水处理量为20,000吨。 气旋砂室是一个砂砾室,它使用机械力来控制水的流量和流量,加速砂颗粒的沉淀,并随水流而携带有机物。

有许多类型的旋风栅栏,其中一些是专利的产品。允许在进入砂砾室的情况下,将水和沙子放在栅栏的底部,并在栅格室的中间设置可调节的速度桨。在重力作用下,将其密度相对较大的沙子扔到腔室的壁上,然后沉入沙桶中。 较轻的有机物与砂砾室的中间的沙子分开,并且通过调节速度的涡流将有机物从室内进行。 IT室(Zhong's和Bi)具有小型土地占用,高砂效率,良好的操作环境,可靠的设备操作等,但是它对水容量的变化和高需求的范围很高,因此其关键设备的运营效果是非常高的价格。 2.头部损失小,典型的损失值只有6mm; 3.高清沙子去除率,140(0.104mm)的细砂也可以达到73%; 4.高动能效率。

缺点:1。外国公司的专有产品和设计技术;纤维化的物体会纠缠于搅拌桨上的3.由于压实而很难泵出沙子。当有两个以上的水池时,供水也很大。 烟气脱硫和硝化设备将同时安装项目后,它将形成超过1050万平方米的加热能力,而在加热区域中,141个散布的小型锅炉将与烟气少量拆除。将石灰石运到石灰石筒仓中,将其粘贴到325个网眼中,并通过磨坊混合了粒度的石灰石粉末,并根据泥浆制成的系统,将液化系统置于泥浆中。 。 目前,由于其良好的活动和较低的价格,在世界上广泛使用了脱硫化物的原料。气体,使得烟气可以克服从入口边界到整个FGD系统的烟气电阻,当脱硫化系统运行时,绕过锅炉的旁路车门封闭了,所有锅炉都会通过锅炉诱导的所有烟极通过其各自的原始烟气 和。 The flue gas the flue gas side of the gas-to-gas heat (GGH), and the GGH flue gas heat , heat use and high heat to the total of GGH and save the owner's costs for heat . GGH uses the flue gas from the to heat the clean flue gas after , so that the of the clean flue gas at the inlet above 80, and is to the after the acid dew point . The GGH rotor a drive . Each GGH is with two drive , one main drive and one . The are all air-. If the main drive is out of work, the drive to the rotor from . The of GGH can adapt to the rotor and in the case of power in the . GGH a main shaft , that is, the is the flue gas (to the tower) and the clean flue gas (to the ). the flue gas a of fly ash, the fly ash may be on the of the . Over time, the of heat may . To the and the heat of GGH from the heat , and air rate, the life. It is to use air to clean the soot or use high- water for . The soot is with a spray gun. on the fly ash in the flue gas, it is to flush the GGH every shift or every few hours. Or when the drop the given value, it means that there is a of . It is to start the high- water pump for . , with a high- water pump can only be . When the FGD unit is shut down, the heat can be with low- water ( )In the whole , the flue gas has to below 100 in many , close to the acid dew point. In order to the flue and the from , the glass flake resin is used in the . the of low- flue gas on the inner wall of the , the inner wall of the is with acid- paint, the layer is made of , the is acid- , and the anti- of acid- are . The anti- taken the are: the parts the flue gas are by glass flake resin . The by- after full is out from the pool of the tower by the pump of the tower and to the tank a , and then sent to the by the feed pump of the for . The of the flow after and is about 50%, which the belt for and . In the cake is also in the to , and into with a of less than 10% and Cl-<. The is piled in the for . The can be used as and raw . , the is to again by the to an with a solid of 3% and an with a solid of 10%. The the water tank and to the FGD for . The is to the . When the is shut down, the flue gas door is , and the flue gas door and the clean flue gas door of the are . The flue gas the the flue from the to the . When a stops , the door is and the flue gas door is . The is with an pool for when the fails and is . In order to , all tanks with are with . In order to , have been made in the , and a tower area pool has been added to the the , and of the tower area. The water and of the FGD are . Once the water is full, the pump on the top of the pool will it to the tower or the pool. In order to the of solid in the in the pit, an is also on the top of the pool. The is with its own (art) water tank and water pump. The water and fire water and water are all from the water and fire water of the unit. The air used can be from the main or air can be set up to the . The main are air, air, air and GGH air purge air. When the When into the flue gas the , the is into fine and the cross- of the tower. When these come into with the flue gas, SO2 is . In this way, SO2 is in the zone, and the and of the are in the area at the of the tower and form . In order to a pH value of the and the of , the in the tower is by the . The air and the tower pump are . The of SO2 in the tower is as : SO2 in the flue gas with in the to form : CaCO3+SO2+H2O---CaSO3·?H2O+?H2O+CO2 (1) the in the flue gas and , part of the is into , which is : CaSO3 · ?H2O + SO2 + H2O --- Ca(HSO3)2 + ?H2O(2) Ca(HSO3) 2 +?O2 +2H2O --- CaSO4 · 2 H2O + SO2 + H2O(3) The in the pool is by air blown in by the fan to . is in this , and it is by the of with : Ca(HSO3) 2 +?O2 +2H2O --- CaSO4 · 2 H2O + SO2 + H2O(3) Of , there are other , such as the of , and acid with to and and/or : CaCO3 + SO3 + 2 H2O---CaSO4·2 H2O+CO2(5) CaCO3 + 2HCl --- CaCl2 + H2O + CO2(6)CaCO3 + 2HF --- CaF2+H2O+CO2(7) The pH value in the tower pool is by . The in the tower pool needs to be long to allow the to good (CaSO4·2H2O). air (1 for use and 1 for ) are in fan rooms to and/or air to the tower pool to the of (ie, from to ), the in the flue gas meet the needs. If the input air is , it will lead to a in and in the tower. , the air input value can save . The air is to the pool in the tower the (there are air holes at on the ). The fresh air is in the and air , by the air , and then to the tower the and . In order to the of the air (the the air is as high as 110), water needs to be into the air pipe. After the water , the air is . The spray layer in the tower FRP pipe, the steel lined pipe by , and the air steel pipe with layer. The ion of the in the FGD is taken into , and the of all and in with the is . 2. (UF) for is a - that uses the of to from fluid and .

The pore size of is 0.01-0.1 . For and most , there are about of of of about 0.1 on the wall of per meter long. The pore size only water , and trace in water to pass , and the of the is above 0.02 . , and , rust, , , , etc. that are much than can be by , thus the . , most and heavy metal ions can still pass the , so it is not to drink the water from the . of can be into and to the . are and metal . are made of , such as , , , , etc. to the of the , they can be into flat , , , fiber , etc. Among , are used in water . have a long life and are -, but the has an smell, which the taste. At the same time, are easy to clog and to clean. fiber are used in the water due to their high , large area, high pure water flux, and easy . At , the used in water on the are fiber , which the wide of fiber and is as a good . 4: Plant Plant 1: Plant 1. : 1. the of and have a of the of these .

2. the basic , and of water , and lay a good for . 2. : 3. time: 29, 20XX 4. : Plant 5. staff: plant staff 6. 1. : Water Water Co., Ltd. (ie Plant) is at No. 688 Road, Town, City, on the north side of the River , an area of ​​33,500 , an area of ​​18.4 , and a of 150,000. The of is mixed from from metal in the park and from urban . With an of 49.27 yuan, it an area of ​​2.06 and 20,000 tons of per day. 2. plan: In view of the high Fe ion , low pH value and of , this + tank to Fe ions in , and then the CSBR with high , and load . The uses the deep - SLDS , which and , and that the water of the is less than 60%. The is safe, and . The water fully meets the of the " for Urban ". , it is a to in or them into , so that the can be .

of : (1) . Such as and . (2) and . Such as and . (3) . are used to , and in , into and , so that can be . is a kind of . VII. 7.1 flow chart 7.2 of each unit 7.2.1 slot The in the by the is by being and , such as socks, hair, etc. The slot is set to this part of the , it is easy to block the water pump and the of the . 7.2.2 The grit a grit to with in the water. This can not only the parts and from loss, but also the load of the SBR tank. The of grit are as : it has than grit , and can sand with that grit ; due to the of , in are often in a state, sand rub each other and bear the shear force of , and to sand can be , which is to pure sand . The in the sand from the grit only for about 5%, and it does not rot even if it is left for a long time. 7.2.3 tank The tank is used to the water . The tank is with two pumps with self- . 2.2.4 SBR tank The water in the tank is into the SBR tank by the pump, and then into the tank for after the is .

The SBR tank is with a and mixer. Its are that it can be and . The gas is a , which can meet the of and the of the SBR tank and water . the , and are out in the SBR tank, the of and can be while . The of the SBR tank are as : 2 SBR tanks, ; cycle 6 times/d; 2h; 1h; 1h; load: BOD5 per d is 0.07kg. SBR ( of SBR) is the of batch . It is an that in an mode. Its main are and . The SBR tank such as , , , and . Its mode of five basic : water , , , water and (see 2). From the of to the end of time is as one cycle. The is a brief to it. The water inlet is the of the tank . the to flow in, it is the or state of the cycle, so there is a high of mixed left in the tank. This is to the role of in the . At this time, the water level in the tank is the . the time by the water inlet or the water level, the of the tank is in a state.

in the water inlet can the of . The is when the is into the , is out to the of BOD, and . The to the tank in the . Stop and , and the are and from the . The tank of the is a of flow , while the of SBR is , so it has a . The is while the water is to the from being again under . The is the from the to the start of the next cycle. in the not only saves , but also helps to the of the . 7.2.5 tank The of the tank is to kill and in the of the SBR tank. The tank a tank with a time of 30 . The uses water. The of the tank is or . 7.2.6 The in the tank and the in the SBR tank are into the tank for and then . The to the . 7.3 (1) It has a good on the in the water and water . (2) It does not , and the index does not 50-70 mg/L. (3) It does not , and does not a or mixed , and the cost is low. (4) It can , and while . (5) The has a high of , and the works to the set , which is easy to and has a good .

8. 1. , we can the in class with , our grasp and of , make full use of the of the base to our to , and the to find , , and solve . 2. This is a and grasp and of the of the Plant in City and the of . This not only gave me a new of the major I , but also laid a for the . In the where the of is the goal, the is worse, and the major is to high-level and with a sense of . For the plant, its and a wide range of and the of many , I was very and . As a , I how the task I bear is. In , this gave me the to learn a lot of that I 't learn on , in the , and in books, and also made me a lot of about being a human being. I want to thank this , the who this , the who for this for us, the who led us, and the who and me the ! This has given me a of . 2: of the plant Time waits for no one. It has been a year since . back on the past year, there are many to thank from job to now. There are many gains and . The past be , but the can still be . For the gains, we still have to thank those vocal and . For the , we can only learn in work and to be wise and do no wrong.

The are some of my from two sites in the past year: The first site after was the Plant in City. It on July 23, 2017 and was put into on 28, 2018. It is a key in the five-year plan and one of the for the of Lake. The has a daily of 100,000 tons and uses AAO . The pile cast-in-place pile , 4, 5-5 deep pit , main civil , , , and trial . As the first after , I am very lucky to work with a who has rich , , and truly our . As one of the , the plant has , anti- and anti- are the key and of the , the of at the joint , there is only one at the joint , which is the weak point of the water- . In this , the , based on the of pre-, has the of the unit to this part by a work form and to the of the unit. the , the of water stop is in time and on-site . The of the joint is the . the , the of the at the joint is on-site . the is next to Lake, the base is silt sand layer. the pre- steel pipe , the and the silt sand layer in water the base , which makes it to the base. The also poses a to the of the pit. In this , the of short, and fast is . After the pit is , the base and and are out in time. Steel sheet piles are used to both sides of the pit to .

the of the plant is , and cross is out , there are many units, the is very large, and there are great over units. For this , the a of civil (main body, , roads, anti-), , and units, the of each unit to the , to give to the that the road, and the unit to enter the site for after the plane was . With the of all units, No. 8 Plant was and in 157 days. 3: on Plant of Major of of Civil In the past week and a half, under the of , our of the 03 grade water and major of the of Civil and Liede Plant, Plant, Water Plant, Town Water Plant, South China New Town and Site. this , the ' for was very high. Now I will the into three parts for . (I) (Liede Plant, Plant) 1. Liede Plant 1. of Liede Plant: Liede Plant is east of Liede , , , at the foot of the South China , an area of ​​390,000 . The total scale is to treat 750,000 tons of per day. It is into three of , from Xihao River, , River, Ersha and part of , an area of ​​66.5 and a of about 1.2 .

2. flow and (1) The first phase the AB two-stage , that is, the A and B two-stage . The flow is as : → off-site pump → → in-plant lift pump room → grit tank → A zone tank tank → B zone tank tank → Pearl River the and first the to large of , such as bags, , etc. After the comes out, it will be by the . Since the water level the the is very low (the area is than the line), the lift pump room plays a big role in order to work. 7 6000 cubic /hour and 2 3000 cubic /hour lift pumps are used here, with a pump head of 17 , so that the can be out on the . The grit tank is two pools used to with (such as mud, sand, coal slag, etc.) in the . The next two zones AB are the key to . Both zones are into two parts, the tank and the tank. First, (a kind of floc of , , etc.) is mixed into the water in the tank. The from the at the of the tank its , and the and ; then the water the tank, which is used to , such as SS, and part of BOD5. After the is and , it flows back into the tank to the water in the next tank. In , both areas have three , the air , the and the (the of must not the , and if there is too much, it must be ).

The two are , and the water has been freed of most of the , the and can be into the Pearl River. (2) The phase a newer , which is on the basis of the SBR . It has over the AB in terms of and . The flow is as : room ↓↓ Pump the plant → pump room the plant → sand tank → tank → tank → ↓ → tank tank → room The Pearl River can self- by on its rich chain. , due to the of , the long chain has and the short chain has . In this way, the water will . The plant only uses to its self- , the and by , and its . (In , the is not , there is no need to metal .) The water inlet of the first phase of the : BOD5: 150mg/L; 180mg/L; TN: 35mg/L; TP: 5mg/L. TP ≤ 3, 5mg/L. The water inlet of in the phase: BOD5: 120mg/L; CODCR: 250mg/L; NH3-N: 20mg/L; SS: 150mg/L; : 4mg/L.

for water : BOD5 ≤20mg/L; SS ≤20mg/L; NH3-N ≤ 10mg/L; CODCR: ≤60mg/L, : ≤0, 5mg/L. At the same time, the of . Dry , use a large - high - screw pump, and the long - to the Pearl River the boat. 3) The of is used in steel . In with the of . In the , the biore pool of the B in the first phase can be and to the , so that the first phase of the water is to the phase of the water out of the .

2. Plant 1. The of the Datan Plant is in Danta in . After the is , the two river pipes are under the Pearl River River Bed to be to the . After a of such as , , ( ), and mud water (), put into the Pearl River. After the of water, the are . 2. and : → → → Gel pump room → Pond → Tank → Bio - Pond → Plus Touch Room → The Pearl River is to the fine in the plant and the 360 ​​- sand pond for pre - to , and and in the water. Sand to the of the . Pump to the pool, and then enter the room for . The mud cake is sent to the pilot to the pier the pier. After the is by the pool, enter the - pool with water, from the water well with water to the two pools from and to the solid fluid.

4: XX North is real. It will cause the rich of the water body, so that the of the water will the and bring an loss to the human . Cup Co., Ltd. Visit Truth On the basis of the basic , we can the in with the , and it with the more to find out its and . to the plant to see the 2), XX Gold Cup Co., Ltd. is at No. 218, Park, , XX City, an area of ​​117 acres. It is a joint for Hong Kong, Macao and , which on -, and other and .

The 's is 46.5 yuan. , to a world -class . The the 's first and , to the user, and is with a good after -sales . The total of the plant is 50,000 to 9.7 yuan. It was by the and and and the XX and . The and the main adopt Deli Man A/O ( ). The in 1994, tried in of the year, and was at the end of June of the year. After the 10,000 tons of clean water, it is used as water reuse; the 200,000 tons of clean water is into the as the urban , the urban , and used as water in the .

The uses . The is used for the of the , and the is used for power . A meter, 1052 of , and 2263 of other . There is one of the most and lines in China; the full - line can be . Zinc; and of car shock rods, , oil , rods, and small parts; in , our can also such as . At the same time, it has a high - and that meets the test of . There are more than 40 sets of and , which has laid a solid for the of the of the . The cycle of is up to the . From the of , due to the and , a of must be added.

There are many : the resin in the 1970s, the of the 1980s, +air , etc. to our , it has been in the of . Too much , not , at the same time, it is not ideal for . At the end, the of Qi is less and less. At , it is the , and it is also the most . Most of the also this . , after the solid solid solid is , the tank will have a , and it is to . The of on water , , heavy metal ions, and the of pH value are to adapt to . A large of die in an , occur, and the of fungi is not easy.

C. The of is . III. The and their own can be said that any set of is not , and the are multi -. This and . At the same time, the of an is a to , so is . There are such as and other . Where so large water will go, it be a . The final of mud is a . 3. In terms of , this needs to be .

With the of and , it is that water will , or even . The and main and be to it; at the same time, the of be to the of the 's water as much as . It is from the of the pool and of . In this short -lived _ in the , I have a lot, many ... needs to be in . When you are right, you may wish to ask a few more. At this time, you will find that your is not and the is not solid .

The for me is that the must be and the is . In my , this is a very art! When you face a , how to let you pay to you and the you have . I have . , I have the of , such as the of about the , and the of doing . In the of group , I see the of . The made me this. are . The key is how big you are every day. I that the facts of the plant in the Zone this time, so that I can go to to the . If the fruit is good, the BOD/COD rate is high, so it can be .

With the of , the order -type (SBR) has more and more and . After so fast, in the blink of an eye, the facts of more than 20 days are over. In , the is , and the of is to a wide range of and the of many for the plant with and high -level and . Hard. the , the , , , and upper and lower the in of City gave me a very good this .

First of all, on the basis of the two, it made me what is . the , the , I drew the flat map of the A/O Pond, and the of the two pools in the . The sum of the of many , the total of the , has us that the be and the be dealt with. For the who are about to , this kind of to live may not be there, so that I know what I have now. , thank you for for this of the , and at the same time, thank you the , to give me and !

5: of the _ 1. _ -to make me more to , the of , the and of the and in the of , and the of the , let me learn the of and the to and solve . Link. The of and , and , me to learn the in and the to and solve . The daily from and and South is about 150,000 tons. → Tank → ( Pond → Pond → Pond) → Shen Pond → In with the pond → 1. The main in the in the is the , which is used to and clear the in the .

格栅机分粗格栅和细格栅两类,形式也多种多样。但其工作原理都是通过栅条拦截污水中的漂浮物,当栅条上拦截的漂浮物过多以至影响到格栅过水时,启动机械装置清除栅条上的漂浮物,就这样循环往复。该污水厂的粗格栅:格栅间距25mm,采用皮带输送机;细格栅:格栅间距5mm,采用螺旋输送机。2、水泵设置水泵的目的主要是为了提高污水的高度,使后面的每个流程部分自高到低形成一个水位差,从而更流畅的运作。该污水厂共有六台功率为160kw的水泵,三台使用中,三台备用,提升高度17、8米3、沉淀池沉淀池通过重力沉淀的原理,去除污水中的泥等悬浮物。它有幅流式、平流式、周进周出、周进中出等多种形式。根据它在污水处理工艺中的位置不同,还可把沉淀池分为初次沉淀池和二次沉淀池。沉淀池中一般装有刮泥车,它以非常慢的速度连续运行。 What the needs to is when it is , and how long is the at each time. The first weir from the of the . 4. pool pool is the most in the , and for .

In the A/A/O this visit, the pool is into three areas: , , and good . Due to the of each area, the types of are not the same, so that the of each area is . The of the is more . It is an issue for a range. The of the of a basis. that needs to be set in the is an from the - of the : NH4 ++ 2O2 → NO3-+2H ++ H2O+, there is in the , the can be . The area is set up with a , and the or can the to keep it a range.

In , the value of zone be kept at zero, the in the area be ≤0, 2mg/L, and the is 0, 2 to 0, 5mg/L. The of the is . .: 2 , 2 , the of the . 1 set of : 200T/day, muddy water : 92%, muddy water : 80%7. The of the in the in the are : SS, DO, pH, water , flow, etc. The that need to be are : SS, DO, , etc. Five, real _ : this visit, we have a of the , which is to with , and lay a good for work. The is the basic for human and , and the of human and on the is . , as a earth man, we do our best to the that we live in. The is to human . To be a , we must the of the . We must how our are. and the you have , and to hone , so that the can be , how to use it, so that you can truly a ! What are the ? What can the plant be ? How many tons of is per per day? and .

5. 6. What is the harm of to ' ? Talk about what do you take to ? The month has shown its . The of the has the of half a by 0.64 . This is also a of the of . City is , , and . The is light . The main urban , , , , and that are with can reach three after . Real _ is a for every . It not only us to learn a lot of that we can't learn in the , but also us to our , our , and lay a solid for us to use what we have in work. The of inter -, and the , me to learn the and the to and solve .

, the of May 8 -, Real , _ Place of Plant, City, of , , next to the Zone and Half Road, is about^3/d. Or the is high, and it is not to meet the of the or not meet the of the , the and goals of the water . It must be . or uses . , from the depth of , the plant may be the first, , third or depth . Foot , , , and for costs.

's plant : in , , , , , , Waste Water, , bus , sites, urban and rural . Coal mine , , , pig farms, farms, , wool , , small water. The is the . The of to the in or into , so as to the : (1). The such as , , etc. (2). such as , ion , , etc. (3). The uses to , , and the to the into and , so that the is . To the of in water, such as , , , etc. (5). The such as good such as good and is the most used and good .

Plant uses the . The is used as a cell for in , is into cells, and is the final ( CO2). Layer -out water , and the tank to that the tank a of . The rest are the and are by the . 3、工艺流程:污水—提升泵站——粗格栅——提升泵站——细格栅——旋流沉砂池——分配井——厌氧池五、实_总结在污水处理厂实_的时候,那里的工程师们在炎炎烈日下,不辞辛苦的带领我们参观了污水处理工艺流程的每一个环节,详细的介绍了它们各自的功能,有初沉池、二沉池、分配井、旋流沉砂池、曝气池、厌氧池、出水池等等,很多同学在观看之后还意犹未尽,饶有兴趣的问了厂长很多关于污水处理工艺的问题,比如,池州的污水处理厂为什么会选建在这里? 这个污水处理厂的出水质能够达到几类几级?经过处理的水主要用途是什么?等等的问题,厂长和那里的工程师都一一作了解答,我们听得也很认真。


了解污水处理的设备、流程、原理等,了解水资源的再生利用、改善城市生态环境、美化城市居民生活环境所起到的重要作用。实_内容:(一)福州市洋里污水处理厂概况福州市洋里污水处理厂位于著名风景名胜区鼓山南麓。其远期规划为日处理污水70万吨,一期设计日处理污水20万吨,二期设计日处理污水达到30万吨,考虑近远期结合,按日处理污水30万吨规模一次征地。一期工程总投资为8.1亿元,其中厂区2.8亿元,厂外管网系统5.3亿元,新建污水管道182公里,疏浚、修复、连通旧管道70公里,厂外建有四座中途提升泵站。服务范围东至鼓山脚下,南至闽江,西至白马河及西湖以东,北至铁路线,同时,承担处理福州西区的部分污水。服务总面积为58平方公里,服务人口近100万人。采用卡鲁塞尔氧化沟处理工艺,处理后的尾水排入光明港,厂内设备精良,主要设备从美国、德国及瑞典引进,实_报告《污水处理厂实_报告》。 该厂是福建省第一个实行企业化管理的污水处理厂。按照规划,
