
日期: 2024-08-21 23:08:30|浏览: 47|编号: 89909




加强固定资产管理 第一部分

















3. 建立绩效评估体系
























































2.使用固定资产的固定资产使用和维护系统,建立固定资产的每日维护系统是延长固定资产的服务寿命。 ,应加速基础设施资产的完成和交换,并应同时进行资产的交付和转让。





〔lu 。

〔li 。



首先,根据“统一领导,集中管理,层次责任和个人责任”的要求,建立和改善了规则和法规。 ENT和链接以确保有遵循规则,并使用系统有效地进行管理。

其次,我们大力促进了“ 的财产管理系统”,以对属性进行全面的库存注册,并将所有固定资产输入计算机上,并使图形卡标签更加直接,以便于均与现实对象。更科学,更标准化和更快。



[中国库分类号] F 406.6 [文档标识代码]

[文章编号] 1673-5838-(2009)12-0011-02










from the of fixed asset in and , there are some in and . First, and do not for fixed , and the net are not true. to 11 of the " on the of Fixed of ", fixed of are not and at value. The of also this . The of and the "fixed fund" as net . The so- net refer to the by the owner in the , and the is the after from . , the "fixed fund" the value of fixed (ie net value). , due to the lack of , the the book value and net value of fixed will and as the use time goes by, in , of the "net asset" of and , which is easy to users of . , the of a "fixed asset " is not to the of sold, , and by the of and .





建议建立与办公室自动化系统连接的固定资产管理模块,引入先进的固定资产管理系统,并构建固定资产管理信息平台。 ,并在此平台上建立评估和监督机制,并进一步研究并开发与固定资产管理系统的多个数据界面,以便可以将其链接到财务会计软件,以便将财务帐户,固定资产分类帐和收集的物理信息链接在一起




定期进行固定资产库存是固定资产管理的重要基本工作,并且必须根据资产管理的需求定期,有目的地进行资产管理。 ET管理。




[1 Yan 关于固定资产管理模型和大学的系统[J]。

[2]李·佩林(Li )。










为了管理固定资产,医院应建立和改善相关的规则和法规,因为规则和法规的最基本工作才能在管理固定资产时具有相关的基础。首先,应设立特殊的管理人员,以管理固定资产的清晰管理书籍,以详细记录何时使用固定资产,何时使用该部门。使用固定资产,有必要正确地管理它们,并将每个管理部门都有一个负责人。如果部门很大,应再次将其细分,并实施管理系统,以便从固定资产的使用到返回到仓库,这可以有效地防止固定资产的损失,从而导致浪费资源和经济损失,此外,还应将固定量的相关资源转移到一定的固定资源中,并将其汇总为财务资源,并将其投资概述列出概述概述列出列出的资源,并将其列出列出。 ETS减少库存,激活资金的职业并提高财务基金的运营效率。



















The fixed of and are the of and the of the . As an part of and , fixed are the basic for and to carry out , life, and other work. to the " for and ", fixed of and refer to of and with a unit value of more than 500 yuan, and with a unit value of more than 800 yuan, and the is used for more than one year, and it is that the of and the asset value use. For , desks in and , books in , , , , in rooms, etc. For such as and , it on the rents them in the form of . In short, if the of fixed to the , then they are the fixed of the .

2. of fixed of

1: and land, , and and land by the . 2: , such as , , etc. 3: Audio- , , etc. 4: . 5: . 6: . 7: Books. 8: and (). 9: and . 10: .

2. and of Fixed in and

(I) The of the asset of and is , the is not sound, and there is a lack of

, due to the of staff, fixed will be the , but at the time of , some will be , in .

Some state-owned have been by some units or some of the units for a long time , and they be to . Or some fail to hand in the they were with when they after , and they take it for .

Some took of the of or job to state-owned and turn them into . In , when and funds for and , they did not refer to the per asset ratio, which in among , so that part of the funds did not play its due role and the rate of funds was low.

(II) No clear on real

In today's , all are . this , some will for . , in order to a win-win , it is to the of asset , the most of which is real . In , the of the final cost of often leads to the that that have the final cost are still being after the of the .

3. The value of fixed in and is with the value

There is a big gap the value and the value of fixed in and . This is some and have a value and , and some have poor and sense of . Some do not even set up of fixed , which makes it to check fixed , in a the by fixed and the . There is a lack of , use and for asset . are not , in and loss .

(IV) of idle fixed

Idle in and can be into the : First, due to the of and or the of some , some and real are idle; , due to the of and , some old tools are and idle, which is in ; third, due to some of some off-book fixed , but these are idle any . For these idle , we must them, and pay to the loss of in the of .

3. Based on the above , the of fixed in and start from the

(I) and the

It is to and the and of fixed in and . and also some rules and to their . and a set of from entry to exit, daily , and (or ). to the of "who uses, who , who is ", the use of be , and the , , , , etc. in the daily use be .

(II) paid use of fixed to the rate of fixed

The break down the , and , the of , and them . It give full play to the role of and idle , so as to the of fixed .

(III) of fixed

First of all, we need to of state-owned and to this work. of and on the of state-owned will all in and to the of state-owned and the of state-owned .

(IV) a sound asset

Carry out or of or . the entry of . When at all fixed , the is , or the is for the to that the asset are clear.


on fixed Part 9

1. in fixed asset

1. The fixed asset is not sound.

In the of fixed in , there is a of on than , and on use than , and not to and . The of fixed by using is very . There is a lack of for the of fixed . There is a of and . The of does not go the for ; the and is not , and the is not out to the . There is a lack of and by and ; some or deal with the value of fixed ; some cause to be and lost due to poor the and . The is not in place. a one-time of fixed at the end of the year. Due to the large and wide of fixed , it is quite to , and and in a short of time. In order to meet the of , the asset often makes or uses the book as the , which makes the a and loses its and . The three-level card is not sound. There is no in the of the to this work. There is no of fixed or the is . There is no fixed asset card or code, and there is a lack of or for the , , and of fixed . This has led to or of the 's fixed , in the fixed asset cards, , and .

2. The fixed asset cost is .

At , the fixed of are using the cost . The of the fixed asset only the value, but fails to the the use of fixed , nor can it the use and of fixed . As the of fixed to , the aging , but it be and on the books, in a the book value and the value. large , which is and and has high costs. For , the value of the tube of CT is as high as 700,000 yuan, but no is , in a of the value of fixed . The of the fixed is not , the is out of touch with the , the , names, and are not in the , and the be the asset , in the ; the fixed by the as or self-made are not , in the and the the asset ; the 's fixed are not to the in a after the is , the is not out in a , and the and fund is not , in the fixed and the , etc.

3. The of fixed asset is not ideal.

The lacks and of fixed , and lacks a and and use . Each and acts , only about local , and a "small but " fixed asset model based on their own . They even with each other due to -, one-sided of "high-" and "full-", and in , the that can still be used to be idle. The of or is the waste of funds, in low of use and loss of use value.

2. on fixed

1. Fixed are coded.

fixed are coded in four . The is as : ⑴ The first level is coded to the five of fixed in the : and -FW; -ZY; -YB; books-IS; other fixed -QT. ⑵ The level is out to the : the can also adopt two of , such as the first level of the -01, the level of the -01, the -02, the -03, the audit -04, etc.; the first level of the -02, the level of the -01, the -02, the room-03, etc. Other are coded to their job . ⑶ The third level is out to the name in the : such as -01, and -02, -03, laser and -04, etc. in ; -01, -02, -03, etc. in . ⑷ Carry out the -level to the name of the item: them in the order of 001, 002, 003... For : the -level code of a in the is; the -level code of the is. Each item is with a small label, which is the basis for the , and -based of fixed .

2. Fixed are using .

Fixed asset is large in and wide in scope, with many data and . is prone to and is far from the of . , fixed asset must a and . The of fixed are by , code, model, price, date, , , -in date, -out date, date, , place of , , , , etc. The data of fixed can be in and , and the of fixed such as , out-of-stock, , and can be and , so as to and the , and the , level and of fixed asset .

3. the of fixed .

a three-level and card for fixed . The set up a and a of fixed ; the set up a of and ; the using set up a card , and each the of fixed . When the the use, , and loss , it shall be by the and the . The asset shall make a of the and of in the fixed asset , and the asset , , , and using shall each hold a list. The of fixed shall be with the first-level of fixed every month. The asset shall with the using at least once a year with the asset to that the are , the and cards are , and the are with the . We will full cost at both the and , fixed asset in the cost range of each and , paid of fixed , and and to the and of fixed cost , a cost that must have and that of must be paid for, use to the of funds, , and the of fixed asset .

4. the fixed .

(1) Fixed asset . the and of asset and , and , and that fixed asset are , and . The same or shall not the of fixed asset . a with , , and for each link of fixed asset , , , use and . (2) Fixed asset . the of fixed asset and , study and the of the . The the fixed asset to the goals, needs and to blind and of . to the of scale and -, the be out, and the , and of fixed asset be . be out . For major fixed asset , the shall - and to by - . In short, the of the fixed asset be and . (3) Fixed asset and . The fixed asset and work shall be by the fixed asset , the user and . The fixed asset , , and shall be to the of fixed . For fixed that have the , the of , , card and shall be in a . (4) a fixed asset .

The shall an of fixed at least once a year. the , the shall check the and cards with the asset , and the asset with the user to that the and cards are . the , the , audit and other shall send to . The shall be in the fixed asset table and with the book . If there is any the and the , or there is a or of fixed , a fixed asset and table shall be . If there is a of fixed , the fixed asset and the user shall find out the for each item and on the of and . After to the , the shall the to the of the fixed . (5) Fixed asset and . the and and . For the and of fixed , the user shall fill in the form, which shall be and by and , and then to the asset for and . The and of major fixed be and by the 's asset with the and the , and an asset be . The can only be after by the and the , and then the and asset can be out. the of fixed asset . When are sold, there must be and to check the of the and the to and human . All must be in the of the 's . The fixed asset asset the of large , a for large , cost , and the and rate of large .

In short, as the scale to , the fixed are . How to the 's fixed and make them play the best is an issue for . In to the above , we must also fully the and of "". First, we must to the of and fixed asset , love their jobs and their job . , we must to the of and fixed asset , their level and - . Third, we must the legal and of and fixed asset , curb and , and the of clean .


[1]. Han . How to fixed [J]. Times and Trade, 2007 (9)

[2]. Xu . On the of [J]. , 2007 (9)

[3]. Cui . The of fixed asset [J]. , 2007 (14)

[4]. Guan . and in fixed asset [J]. of , 2006 (4)

the of fixed in and Part 10

1. of fixed asset in and

1. Lack of of asset .

As one of the non- in my , and are in the in , and have their own in with . At the same time, and only focus on and fixed asset . It is as: fixed asset is not put on the , and it is not that fixed asset is a job; it on image, but not asset , and pays more to entry and less , and pays more to money and less to . The for funds is high, but once it an asset, it is that the have to their own unit, and the mind is . The of for money and from the is very from the of . The in has no of fixed asset in his mind. There is a lack of and in fixed asset . In times, he does not pay to the and of in this area. In , the work style is not , and it is to in-depth and , in work plans and that are not . Many and do not even have fixed asset .

2. The is not sound.

In some and , the , and even user of fixed are the same , a and ; the are , there are , and it is to fixed are used in the or have been used by , thus a for asset loss. The of can make it for that have been ( those used by the ) to never be in the , in the and the . When some and are , the fixed they have used are not to the and they leave . As a , it is easy for some and more to , such as , video , , etc. This to be lost .

3. The is .

In some and , there is a of fixed asset and . Some and only have for fixed , but no . Some do not some in fixed asset , or do not them when , but wait until the end of the year to them in fixed asset . In , some and have put fixed ( , etc.) into use, but they are not in fixed asset , or they are hung in and for a long time; the for are not ; funds are not in place, and is , a "" , in messy . Some have no , and fixed asset do not match . The value of some fixed is , in that the and when fixed are not in the fixed asset .


1. the of the 's main .

The " Law" that "the in of the unit is for the and of the work and of the unit." This that the must be for the and of asset . In with the of the , rules and in with their own , the of the work, with the who in the work , the , and , solve , care about them as as , their , give them the to , their to adapt to work, and them sense of , do his job with the of the owner.

2. Pay to the of fixed .