
日期: 2024-09-04 10:06:35|浏览: 69|编号: 92968






































甘肃兰州镍铜冶炼渣寻求技术合作,目前该矿每年排放镍冶炼渣160万吨、铜冶炼渣90万吨,自1963年冶炼系统投入运行以来,累计堆存镍铜冶炼渣已超过4000万吨。这些冶炼渣中Fe%含量为30-50%,Ni 0.02%-0.5%,Cu 0.1%-1.0%,Co0-0.2%。每年产生的160万吨镍冶炼渣中,含Ni 3428吨、Cu 3883吨、Co 1510吨、Fe 2500吨。目前主要问题是从80%的铁渣矿石中分离出20%的硅组分。提炼铜、镍、金价值更高,利润可分成,有专业技术联系。






























Henan 铝土矿开挖,开放式开采,总面积为200 mu,每立方米以9.5元的速度定居,蓝色和红色的石头以每吨12.5元的速度定居,而铝土矿以超过1公里的cubis and in ton and in ton tone tone。仪表将添加1吨的1吨。

吉济族的石英设备处理有1平方公里,矿业许可证有效,直到2033年,储备金超过200万吨,硅的内容目前为99.86%,目前拥有99.86%的文件,并且已经对季节投资了一定的份额。 150,000吨,利润分为46%。

山东省的蓝色省份已签约,供应量为1200万吨,并完成了1200万吨的工作。 /吨。





The iron ore in Xing'an , Inner is and mined. The is valid until 2028, with an of 600,000 tons. The ramp is 4/4.5 and the slope is 10. The mine has been found so far, with an of 12,600 and an of 58/ton. Bring your own and a of 2 for the site. us if you can bring .


甘努(Gansu)中的氟矿矿是开采的,开放式矿井均为0.08平方公里,矿井 +地下采矿的有效期为6月27日。承包商已与该矿山签订了合同,现在正在寻找一个专业的氟矿山矿业团队以合作开采,利润分配了55%。





The Hunan gold mine was for , and the were until 2008. The is 0.2 to 0.61 , the gold grade is more than 2g, and the is 118g/t. There is a main and a shaft. The has been by the mine owner. Now we are for a team to for , and the will be 55-55.

收缩了开采,开采区为0.88平方公里,开放式矿场 +地下采矿,直到3月26日,开采许可证是有效的,矿石的储量为400,000吨,储量可以在未来的设备上扩展到91.91%的设备。需要升级和升级。

Mine labor , , , of 5 years, of 150,000 tons, by the mine, for and , the vein has been seen, the vein is 4 to 8 , , 3✘2.8, 140 per ton of ore , 2000 per meter of , team .

Open-pit of mine in , , a of 5 tons, for and , no , Party A oil, the soil layer has been , for ore, is 2 , 8/cubic meter, to the , 80% of the first is over, the will the first 20% of the , and so on, you can us with .

所有者是中国铝业公司,矿山管理项目可以签署1000万立方米,负责发掘和运输,运输距离为0-2公里,铝土矿22 yuan,山地土壤8 yuan(税后),政党A的价格不包括80%,如果是80%,则不包括80%的月份负责使用500个断路器打破,分别计算成本,与总承包商签订合同。


蒙古人矿山是一个完整的劳动矿业,目前有一个团队,需要五年的时间。 。


在省的 Iron矿山的挖掘项目中,承包商的运输距离在0到2公里内。 LY。










花岗岩被转移到0.2652平方公里,生产量表是600,000立方米/年。受控的内在经济资源(332)矿石量为2,206,100 M3,占总矿石量的32%;

内蒙古中的铜 - 莫尔多姆矿山被转移到4.814平方公里,开放式矿井开采,生产量为200万吨,在生产中。相关的硫资源为2.4591亿吨。

河南的石灰石转移,采矿面积为0.6052平方公里,地下采矿和生产量为800,000吨。 11.44亿吨的程序和文件是30亿吨。




Gansu 多矿石投资,矿产铜和铁矿石的采矿量为300,000吨,采矿证书有效期为2031年。

金属矿山转移,年产量为600,000吨,Air -Air+开采也可以通过大股东的物理原因来运营。



在9月31日的吉岛煤矿中,每年的生产规模为450,000吨,面积为2.6363平方公里(包括ST,d> 3%81.33亿吨)。

na na nin矿山的转移,地下挖掘的年度生产量表为30,000吨,面积为1.69平方公里,累计识别和维持122B+333矿石的矿石矿石的数量是139,300吨,是139,300 TONS,以及Cu Metal of Cu Metal 731 tos in Metal in Metal iss cu is cu is cu is cu is cu is cu is cu is cu is cu is cu is cu is cu is cu is cu is cu is cu is as cu is 733 is cu is as cu a ins cu ins ins 上。 ONS(占50.47%),CU金属量为394吨。


在 矿山的转移中,矿业证书在2027年4月为11.8958平方公里,生产规模为每年100,000吨地下采矿。





Jilin 矿山的转移,在采矿区域为0.9244平方公里,而采矿证书有效,直到2028年。地下采矿的年产量为600,000吨。

Green Rock转移,面积为0.2117平方公里,矿业证书有效期为2027年。公开空气是开采的,每年的产量为200,000吨。

Gold Mine , with a area of ​​0.61 , the is valid for 20.26 tons, , an of 30,000 tons, the total of in the whole area is: ore, the of gold metal is 9304.60 kg, and the of the whole area is 3.16 grams/ton. The is , and the is 85 .


甘努·朗南(Gansu )的转移,在采矿区为10.76平方公里,开采证书有效期为9月24日,露天采矿,每年的产量为150,000吨,在1.57平方公里的检测储量为61吨,记录为25.7吨,牛仔乐队是1920年的5-30次,遍布5-30群,并遍布5-30群岛。超过5克,数十克,数百个克的味道,实际的味道,探索和验证,当钻头被击败至150米时,味道将达到200平方公司。


借用矿物银矿,矿物质矿山的平均质量为1.50 g/t。

内蒙古铅-ZING多型矿石转移,采矿区为4.0024平方公里,挖掘证书有效期为2028年,地下采矿,每年240,000吨,38吨,矿体总数,包括2个主矿床,包括2个主矿床,矿石类型是铅Zinc Zinc sind pres Zinc和 ulcan Ore -ore 3. AG 101.13G/T,Zn 1.75%,采矿区富含伴随的金属矿山,采矿程序已完成,资源前景相当大,转移价格为14亿。


金矿转移,空气/地下开采,3000万吨/年的生产量表,矿区的3.3301平方公里,矿业的有效期至2033年。采矿为3年和36,000米以上,其中7米(氧化物)的平均值是1吨,是97吨,是1吨,数量为1吨,数量为1吨。 20.6吨,平均产品为2.11g/t。


Hunan Lead -Zinc , with an area of ​​0.88 , the is valid for 2025. The is 30,000 tons. 1.62%, the of the ZN 2.05%, and the grade of the AG is 24.57g/T. The of the mine has 2 wells, the main well and the well. The costs of other multi -metal mines such as ore, the cost of the area, the cost of , the some flow funds. The is 2 years and the can the rate of 10 %.

Hechi Manga Mine , 5.353 in the area, and the of the is 2025 (the can be twice). The is 90,000 tons. A total of 22 ore are found. In this area, the of ore were 1.67 tons, and the of ore in the deep mines and areas are to be more than tens of of tons. The mine of the main mine is 4.85 , and the ratio is 4.41 . All of them are open -air .

Heavy Stone Mine seek . By 2026, the has , the scale is 50,000 tons/year, and the area of ​​the area is 0.2342 . The is 4.0 ~ 4.5. 10M; 3 ~ 5m; 2 to 3M, the pulse is 1.5 to 3km (the ), the depth is 200 to 1000m ( to be ), , of 150 to 50 tons, the ore price is 300 to 600 yuan/ton. The cost of the and are a small and -sized mine with a very cost - and high -cost .

Tin Mine is . By 2030, the / , the scale is 30,000 tons/year, the area is 2.448 . 6.05 tons of ion phase rare earth with : light rare earth (∑La-ND: LA, CE, PU, ​​ND): 64.33%; rare earth (∑SM-HO: SM, EU, GD, DY, HO): 11.53%; Heavy Rare Earth (EY, TM, YI, Lu): 25.43%. East for%51, and is 150 , used to and the of .

The of the in , Anhui, is valid for 2028. who know the mine have sold 280 .

Inner 's Gold Mine has been valid for the until 2026. The price is 30 .

Hami Gold Mine is sold, with , , 300,000 tons of , 0.142 in area, 98.6894 tons of , 23546.65 kg of gold metal, and gold in gold × 10-6. .75 kg, the grade was 2.84 × 10-6; the of low- was 24.97127 tons, the of gold metal was 2623.90 kg, and the was 1.05 × 10-6.

ore is sold, with , , and a area of ​​2.43 . The : the of in the (334): The total of ore is 820,000 tons, and the of metal is 340 tons.

Mine Sale, , , a area of ​​20.43 , (333+334): The total of ore is 7.394 tons, and the total of CU metal is 136,100 tons. It is 1.9%; (334) The of ore is 2.167 tons, the of CU metal is 36,800 tons, and the CU is 1.7%for sale of 400 .

Henan Mine is sold, with . From April 32nd, the open -air is , with a scale of 300,000 tons, a area of ​​6.1276 , and the of ore (111B)+(122B)+(333) of 12.443 tons. , with (122B)+(333) 11.4036 tons, with (122B) of 4.047 tons, (333) of 7.3589 tons.

Benxi Mine , with an area of ​​0.2722 in the area, with holes and a scale of 100,000 tons/year. 10,000 tons, 267,700 tons of -long stone .

Inner 's shale , the area is 5.29 . At , there is only the right.

Zunyi Coal Mine , with an area of ​​5.0384 in the area, with holes, 600,000 tons per year. 2B) 8 tons, (333) 7.43 tons.

The of , , and the of the has . The area of ​​the area is 0.8098 and the scale is 50,000 cubic per year. The open -air/ , the of in the is 24.475 cubic , the are , and the is 200 .

In the of Iron Mine, the was 5.6534 in May 2025, with a scale of 180,000 tons per year. , the total of ore ore in Iron Mine in was 3.7094 tons, and the of TFE was 27.71%, to 200 .

Inner 's Gold Mine , the of the area was 5 in March 2026, the scale was 60,000 tons, , the area : the of ore was 2.062 tons, the metal was 9281 kg, and the grade was 4.5 grams/ton. with .

In the of Ji'an Mine in , by 2033, the area is 0.839 , the scale is 200,000 cubic per year, the open -air , the first phase of the is 6.8 cubic , the is 3.8 cubic cubic . the

Inner 's Mine , the of the area was 0.202 in 2025, and the scale was 12,000 tons. , TD metal , tons, PB437 tons, ton, KZ metal , tons, PB225 tons, tons, CU309 tons of PB110 tons, CU309 tons, and CU309 tons, and CU309 tons. ZN907 tons.

Mine . The area of ​​the area is 0.7228 , , and the scale is 50,000 tons/year. The 60 -ton are .

soil is . The area of ​​the area is 0.2222 , with an open -air and a scale of 230,000 tons/year.

Hebei Gold Mine is , with an area of ​​0.5850 in the area, with holes and a scale of 15,000 tons/year. The of metal is 155.77kg, and the grade is 5.11g/T; the of inner (333) ore is by 4.43 × 104T, the of gold metal is 332.48kg, and the is 7.51g/T.

Hebei 's ore , with a area of ​​3.4079 , with holes, scale of 30,000 tons/year. The newly added ore is 6.601 tons, and the of CAF2 is 2.301 tons.

Ya'an Lead -zinc Mine , the area is 0.4358 , with holes and a scale of 10,000 tons/year. : (122B) Types of 25.8 tons (of which PB metal is 1,440 tons and 2620 tons of Zn metal);

Today's ( )

boss mines, with its own funds and in mine .

A in has its own funds to types of non -metal mines, which that the data and are . It can be used , and it can also . There is a mine.

A boss in mines, and the is not .

A boss in multi -metal and lead zinc and mines in .

The owner of a mines and mines such as multi -metal mines in .

boss mines, which more than 99 .

in mines and have mines with deep mines. They in open-air mines.

in mines.

A in the mine and wants high - gold mines in , with high - mines with .

A metal and non - metal mines. There is no . It is lead zinc ore, with a of 2.5 , , clean mines.

A boss in Anhui gold and coal mines. It is and . Gold ore metal are more than eight tons, metal is more than 100,000 tons, and coal mines are more than 50 tons.

Coal mines in Inner are used as long as the open -air coal mines.

A small in finds a , the to , the are not , the non - metal , there is a to the .

in mines. It is best to with metal mines.

Group coal mines, open -air coal ore.

boss mines, the the scale, the , the boss can be .

A state -owned in gold mines . The value is more than 3 , and the taste is . There is no area, and there is a good gold mine to .

A boss in lead zinc ore, ore, and the is not .

An Anhui boss gold mines, and the is not .

Hunan gold mines, and they must be and large.

Hunan look for and have no . They only in .

A group in open -air coal mines and a . the , it took over and can . It can be used for more than 100 tons. It is best to be a coal mine.

State -owned gold mines, gold mines the can be used, gold need to reach more than 30 tons, with high , real , no debt , and mines.

Fund is for in high- , : , (the must be true and ), quota: 30 to 20 (1 year to 5 years), an rate of 5%-10%, first rate.

A boss in the gold mine and . If the areas of are , there are no legal debt , and the is clear.

in mines, and are not to .

A boss in Hebei gold mines, the is not , and the are and the are more than 15 tons.

A boss in Inner a non - metal mine, and the lead zinc ore is best.

An gold mines and is made of money. funds are . As long as it is good, it can be .

Hubei mines, and are , and can be.

The owner of a coal mines, , and are best in Henan, , and .

gold mines. It is best to in and areas. If the are , it can be by over. The are more than 3 tons and the of about 3G.

A boss of the mines . The are and . If there is no legal debt , the is clear.

An Anhui Coal Power Group a coal mine and large well -scale coal mines such as Jin, and other . The are also . Small mines do not it. They will to the of . There is no link and a mine.

The of coal mines is or by the main coke coke (power coal) . The be . The value 1 tons, and the are not less than 50 tons. All, you can , you can , talk.

the gold mine and asked the gold mine in , Hebei or , Inner . The metal was more than ten tons.

the gold mine and asked the gold mine in , Hebei or , Inner . The metal was more than ten tons.

The owner of gold mines and rock gold ore.

The of sand gold mines is just high in sand gold.

A gold mines and the of the in the store.

A in is in mines. The is , the are , and the is clear and clean.

The of mines in that the can be .

coal mines, as long as they are in .

The owner of Hunan the gold mine and that in the area, the must be , debt -free , and about 300 funds. It is for mines.

The of non - metal mines for state -owned that the are and the will be clear and clean the . The debt can be . The price is most for 500 . The limit is 6 .

Today's ( )

( is ) A in mines and . State -owned and can pay , oil , .

( is ) Pu'er and iron ore was sold. The is . From 25th, the open -air is , the scale is 50,000 tons, and the area is 2.4820 . There are roads in the area. The is about 2km. The from the area to Pu'er is about 75km, from the of , about 410km, and the is . The other party it

( is ) Road has been . The has the and has the . It a with China Group Co., Ltd. The and of the , the air room, etc., the is , the funds can send , the can be , and the -phase is .

( is .) Rail Mine is . The is valid for five years. The are more than 5 tons.

( ) Hunan Gold Mine , the will be 7.68 in 2027, one large gold ore body in the area, four -sized gold ore , seven small gold ore , the gold of the whole area> 30 tons of metal. Tons, high - 578 grams/ton, three in the area high - , a total of more than 15 tons, , to be 40 tons, a large gold belt was found in the deep (below 200 ). 000 , the are all .

( ) mine , 1.58 in the area, and the of the ore at the in 26, the of the ore body is 345m, the of the mine body is 1.38-1.78m, the is 1.56m, the is 335 ° -350 °, and the CAF2 is 8 0.55%~ 91.32%, an of 84.83%.

( ) In the year, the sale or of the mines in Anhui in the year. The of ore in the open -air of the mine is 14.53 tons, the is 1.5 T/A, and the time of the is 8.9 years ( the ). Right), a small of based on : The CAO is 54%, the MGO is 0.9%, and the SiO2 is 2.61%. As a , Ms. Tao. say that the raw can see, the other party it.

( is ) To apply for the mine , there is no fee in the early stage, the dual funds are , and the can be . If you have the power to apply for a , you must not .


